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Sanctuary Cities and Non-Refoulement
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10677-020-10082-3
Michael Blake , Blake Hereth

More than two hundred cities in the United States have now declared themselves to be sanctuary cities. This declaration involves a commitment to non-compliance with federal law; the sanctuary city will refuse to use its own juridical power – including, more crucially, its own police powers – to assist the federal government in the deportation of undocumented residents. We will argue that the sanctuary city might be morally defensible, even if deportation is not always wrong, and even if the federal government is legally permitted to demand that states participate in the process of deportation. We defend this conclusion with reference to a simple, but powerful, norm of international law: that of non-refoulement. As we will discuss, this norm articulates the idea that no state may rightly use its coercive power to move a person into a position in which their basic rights are at risk. We take this norm as a morally defensible principle, and ask what could follow from its acceptance. We argue that this norm has implications for a variety of actors – especially when we notice that those who are facing unjust risks of death are, in general, entitled to use defensive violence against their aggressors. This simple fact, we argue, can help offer a novel defense of the sanctuary city.



现在,美国已有 200 多个城市宣布自己为庇护城市。该声明涉及对不遵守联邦法律的承诺;庇护城市将拒绝使用自己的司法权力——更重要的是,它自己的警察权力——来协助联邦政府驱逐无证居民。我们将争辩说,即使驱逐并不总是错误的,即使联邦政府在法律上被允许要求各州参与驱逐过程,但庇护城市在道德上可能是站得住脚的。我们参照一个简单但有力的国际法规范来捍卫这一结论:不驱回规范。正如我们将讨论的那样,该规范阐明了这样一种观点,即任何国家都不得正确使用其强制力将一个人置于其基本权利受到威胁的境地。我们将这一规范视为在道德上站得住脚的原则,并询问接受它会带来什么。我们认为,这一规范对各种行为者都有影响——尤其是当我们注意到那些面临不公正死亡风险的人通常有权对攻击者使用防御性暴力时。我们认为,这个简单的事实可以帮助为庇护城市提供一种新颖的防御。有权对侵略者使用防御性暴力。我们认为,这个简单的事实可以帮助为庇护城市提供一种新颖的防御。有权对侵略者使用防御性暴力。我们认为,这个简单的事实可以帮助为庇护城市提供一种新颖的防御。