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Everywhere and Nowhere: Anonymity and Mediation in Eighteenth-Century Britain by Mark Vareschi
Eighteenth-Century Fiction ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.3138/ecf.33.1.156
Lee Kahan 1

protagonist, Beatrice. The intensity of the play, Roberts argues, comes from what is unsaid, which opens the potential of feigning a truth. Shame, Roberts offers, is an affective strategy for exploring feelings for the signs of emotional consciousness. Beatrice’s feelings are real, even if they cannot be spoken. Roberts shows how affect can work with text to account for the feelings that are unwriteable. Ahern’s collection points out that the delight, and frustration, of using affect theory for literary works is that, rather than describing an object or phenomenon, we are trying to describe a process. The authors here do this well, as they try to account for the inventory of shimmers, the in-betweenness of feeling (as Seigworth and Gregg have put it in The Affect Theory Reader [2010]). Affect, claims Ahern, “enkindles a sense of potential, of promise, of something profound in play beyond the narrow confines of the self, something that baffles bare recognition, let alone full comprehension” (8). And isn’t this what literature does best? Many of us who have chosen to delve into literary studies have done so because of how texts makes us feel; some work, some author, has reached us via an inventory of shimmers evoked and transmitted through text. This collection helps us to begin to make sense of these intangibles by guiding our approach to the sometimes baffling ways that texts make us feel.


无处不在:马克·瓦雷斯基 (Mark Vareschi) 的 18 世纪英国的匿名和调解

主角,碧翠丝。罗伯茨认为,这出戏的强度来自未说出口的东西,这开启了假装真相的可能性。罗伯茨提出,羞耻是一种情感策略,用于探索情感意识迹象的感觉。比阿特丽斯的感受是真实的,即使它们无法表达。罗伯茨展示了情感如何与文本一起工作来解释无法写出的感觉。埃亨的作品集指出,在文学作品中使用情感理论的乐趣和挫折在于,我们不是在描述一个对象或现象,而是在试图描述一个过程。这里的作者做得很好,因为他们试图解释闪光的库存,感觉的中间状态(正如 Seigworth 和 Gregg 在 The Affect Theory Reader [2010] 中所说的那样)。影响,Ahern 声称,“激发了一种潜力感,承诺,超越自我狭窄范围的深刻游戏,阻碍赤裸裸的认知,更不用说完全理解的东西”(8)。这难道不是文学最擅长的吗?我们许多选择深入研究文学的人之所以这样做,是因为文本给我们带来的感受。一些作品,一些作者,通过文本唤起和传播的闪光清单到达了我们。该系列通过指导我们处理文本让我们感到有时令人困惑的方式,帮助我们开始理解这些无形的东西。一些作品,一些作者,通过文本唤起和传播的闪光清单到达了我们。该系列通过指导我们处理文本让我们感到有时令人困惑的方式,帮助我们开始理解这些无形的东西。一些作品,一些作者,通过文本唤起和传播的闪光清单到达了我们。该系列通过指导我们处理文本让我们感到有时令人困惑的方式,帮助我们开始理解这些无形的东西。