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Minor Characters and Sympathetic Service in Samuel Richardson’s Pamela
Eighteenth-Century Fiction ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.3138/ecf.33.1.77
Katherine Nadeau

Abstract:Critical analysis of Samuel Richardson's Pamela (1740) has focused too narrowly on the conflict between Pamela and Mr B as a power struggle between a lower-class, female servant and her master. I argue that we must extend our attention to Pamela's relationships with the novel's numerous minor characters. I connect Pamela's understanding of these relationships to eighteenth-century moral philosophy, particularly as articulated by Adam Smith, to show that Richardson redefines power in the novel to include sympathetic service, a process in which narrative inspires an individual to engage sympathetically with others, and in turn to act beneficently on their behalf. In tracing Pamela's desire to identify all characters, irrespective of class, as sympathetic servants throughout both Pamela and Pamela in Her Exalted Condition (1742), and in taking Pamela's self-identification as a servant even after her marriage to Mr B seriously, Pamela emerges from the novel as a moral philosopher who seeks to model an ideal community in which social relations are structured around reciprocal sympathetic service.


塞缪尔·理查森 (Samuel Richardson) 的帕梅拉 (Pamela) 中的次要人物和同情服务

摘要:对塞缪尔·理查森 (Samuel Richardson) 的《帕梅拉 (Pamela) (1740)》的批判性分析过于狭隘地将帕梅拉 (Pamela) 与 B 先生之间的冲突视为下层女仆与其主人之间的权力斗争。我认为我们必须将注意力转移到帕梅拉与小说众多次要角色的关系上。我将帕梅拉对这些关系的理解与 18 世纪的道德哲学联系起来,特别是亚当·斯密所阐述的,以表明理查森重新定义了小说中的权力,包括同情服务,在这个过程中,叙事激发个人同情地与他人交往,以及反过来代表他们行善。在追踪帕梅拉想要识别所有角色的愿望时,不分阶级,