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Lumen Gentium and Unity in Christ
Ecclesiology ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-20 , DOI: 10.1163/17455316-01401005
Andrew J. Kim 1

This essay contends that Lumen Gentium ( LG ) harmoniously integrates three interrelated but importantly distinct kinds of Christian unity. While the emphasis upon sacramental unity found in Dominus Iesus contrasted with the emphasis upon ecumenical unity developed in Peter Knauer’s influential essay, ‘“katholische Kirche” subsistiert in der “katholischen Kirche”’ may be set in opposition to each other and thus regarded as demonstrative of a lack of coherence in LG , this essay argues that Lumen roots these kinds of unity in the mystical unity between Christ and the Church. The significance of this mystical unity, as opposed to a merely functional unity, is examined through analysis of Aquinas’s use of the term una persona mystica to signify the relationship between Christ and the Church. Sacramental, ecumenical, and mystical unity, as described in Lumen , are mutually illuminative and complementary kinds of unity that shed light upon the nature and universal mission of the Church.


Lumen Gentium 和在基督里的合一

本文认为 Lumen Gentium (LG) 和谐地整合了三种相互关联但又很重要的不同类型的基督教合一。虽然在 Dominus Iesus 中发现的对圣事合一的强调与 Peter Knauer 有影响力的文章中对大公统一的强调形成对比,但“katholische Kirche”在 der“katholischen Kirche”中的生存可能被设置为彼此对立,因此被视为具有示范性由于 LG 缺乏连贯性,本文认为 Lumen 将这些合一植根于基督与教会之间神秘的合一。通过分析阿奎那使用“神秘人物”一词来表示基督与教会之间的关系,可以检验这种神秘统一的重要性,而不仅仅是功能上的统一。圣事、普世和神秘的合一,