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“I’m Paying, So I Decide”
East European Politics and Societies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2016-11-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0888325416650254
Lubomír Kopeček 1

Business-firm parties founded on the initiative of a political entrepreneur are a phenomenon of growing importance in contemporary party politics. In practice, these are either commercial companies, whose structure is used for a political project, or new and separate organisations constructed on business principles. This article examines the case of Czech party ANO (“YES”), established by the owner of the Agrofert holding company Andrej Babiš. The party achieved remarkable success in the 2013 Czech general election. The opportunity for ANO’s success was provided by strong voter dissatisfaction, reinforced by the scandalous circumstances of the centre-right government’s fall. This context created a fertile ground for the introduction of a new entity espousing anti-party, anti-corruption, and anti-political sentiments. In ANO’s organisation and functioning, a strengthening of certain traits characteristic of this type of parties is apparent. A robust system for screening party members and representatives has been gradually put into place, and human resources–style techniques of psychological testing were employed at the party’s inception. Furthermore, the power in the party has been wholly centralised around the leader, and the party’s territorial structures assigned merely service tasks. ANO has also maximised its electoral-professional orientation. The strengthening of the typical traits of a business-firm party can be explained by reference to the party’s origin in the business environment and the notions entertained by its leader. In many respects, Babiš’s party has brought the organisational model of a business-firm party to its limits.



在政治企业家的倡议下建立的商业公司政党在当代政党政治中正变得越来越重要。实际上,它们要么是商业公司,其结构用于政治项目,要么是根据业务原理构建的新的独立组织。本文研究了由Agrofert控股公司AndrejBabiš的所有者成立的捷克ANO(“ YES”)一案。该党在2013年捷克大选中取得了显著成就。中立政府倒台的丑闻加剧了选民的强烈不满,为ANO的成功提供了机会。这种情况为引入支持反党,反腐败和反政治情绪的新实体创造了沃土。在ANO的组织和运作中,这种类型的政党的某些特征的增强是显而易见的。建立健全的党员和代表甄选制度已经逐步建立,在党成立之初就采用了人力资源风格的心理测试技术。此外,党内的权力已完全集中在领导人周围,党的领土结构只分配了服务任务。ANO还最大限度地提高了其选举专业方向。可以通过参考该方在商业环境中的起源以及其领导者所接受的概念来解释加强一个商业公司方的典型特征。在许多方面,Babiš的政党已将商业公司政党的组织模式带到了极限。这种类型的政党某些特征的加强是显而易见的。建立健全的党员和代表甄选制度已经逐步建立,在党成立之初就采用了人力资源风格的心理测试技术。此外,党内的权力已完全集中在领导人周围,党的领土结构只分配了服务任务。ANO还最大限度地提高了其选举专业方向。可以通过参考该方在商业环境中的起源以及其领导者所接受的概念来解释加强一个商业公司方的典型特征。在许多方面,Babiš的政党已将商业公司政党的组织模式带到了极限。这种类型的政党某些特征的加强是显而易见的。建立健全的党员和代表甄选制度已经逐步建立,在党成立之初就采用了人力资源风格的心理测试技术。此外,党内的权力已完全集中在领导人周围,党的领土结构只分配了服务任务。ANO还最大限度地提高了其选举专业方向。可以通过参考该方在商业环境中的起源以及其领导者所接受的概念来解释增强企业方的典型特征。在许多方面,Babiš的政党已将商业公司政党的组织模式带到了极限。