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Liberalism, Colonialism and Liberal Imperialism
East Central Europe ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-30 , DOI: 10.1163/18763308-04501005
David Williams 1

One of the most obvious features of the post-Cold War world was that western states and western dominated international organizations pursued a more expansionist and interventionist set of foreign policies and practices. In attempting to explain as well as assess this period, scholars from across the theoretical and political spectrum have identified “liberalism” or “liberal” ideas, arguments and concepts, as playing a crucial role in motivating these practices as well as shaping their contents. In turn this has led to increased attention to the links between liberalism, colonialism, and liberal imperialism. This article explores these connections by focusing on the trajectory of a particular form of Nineteenth Century colonial liberal argument—what will be called here “developmental liberalism”—articulated most famously by John Stuart Mill. The objective here is to use Mill’s arguments to raise a number of vitally important questions about the discourses and practices of some modern forms of liberal imperialism. In particular it stresses Mill’s arguments against immanence and institutional universalism, and his understanding of the kind of agency necessary for achievement of progress in colonial settings.



冷战后世界最明显的特征之一是西方国家和西方主导的国际组织奉行更加扩张主义和干预主义的外交政策和做法。在试图解释和评估这一时期时,来自理论和政治领域的学者已经确定“自由主义”或“自由主义”的思想、论点和概念在推动这些实践以及塑造其内容方面发挥着至关重要的作用。这反过来又导致人们越来越关注自由主义、殖民主义和自由帝国主义之间的联系。本文通过关注 19 世纪殖民自由主​​义争论的一种特定形式的轨迹——这里将被称为“发展自由主义”——由约翰·斯图尔特·穆勒 (John Stuart Mill) 最为著名的阐述,来探讨这些联系。这里的目的是使用密尔的论点来提出一些关于一些现代形式的自由帝国主义的话语和实践的至关重要的问题。它特别强调了密尔反对内在性和制度普遍主义的论点,以及他对在殖民环境中取得进步所必需的代理类型的理解。