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Roger Long’s gut-strung keyboard instruments and Thomas Barton’s harpsichord stringing
Early Music ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2016-10-07 , DOI: 10.1093/em/caw062
David Rowland

In 1720 Pepusch signed an inventory of the Duke of Chandos’s instruments that included a gut-strung harpsichord by a ‘Mr Longfellow of Pembroke Hall in Cambridge’. The maker was in fact Roger Long, Fellow and later Master of Pembroke Hall (now Pembroke College), Lowndes Professor of Astronomy, but also a keen musician and maker of astronomical, musical and other instruments. Long’s commonplace book in Pembroke’s library contains valuable information about gut and wire harpsichord stringing from the first decade of the 18th century, some of which he was given by the harpsichord-maker Thomas Barton. The article examines this extremely rare information (only one other brief reference is known to a gut-strung harpsichord in 17th- or 18th-century England) as well as comparing the information about wire-strung instruments to Barton’s only surviving harpsichord. Accounts from other sources also exist of Long’s construction of a lyrichord, which he presented to the king and queen, and which he probably modelled on Plenius’s design. A further instrument of Long’s invention, a gut-strung travelling ‘harpsichord’ is also described. All of this information is set in the context of earlier studies of European gut-strung keyboard instruments. Clearly, throughout his life Long was committed to making keyboard instruments whose gut stringing produced a more subtle and gentler tone than their wire-strung counterparts. The fact that Long probably received information about gut stringing from a London maker also suggests that there was more interest in this sort of instrument than has hitherto been acknowledged.


罗杰·朗(Roger Long)的肠弦式键盘乐器和托马斯·巴顿(Thomas Barton)的大键琴弦乐器

1720年,佩普施(Pepusch)签署了昌多斯公爵(Duke of Chandos)乐器的清单,其中包括“剑桥彭布罗克音乐厅(Pembroke Hall)的朗费罗先生(Longfellow)”的肠弦竖琴大键琴。制造商实际上是Roger Long,研究员,后来是彭布罗克音乐厅的硕士(现为彭布罗克学院),朗兹天文学教授,但他还是一位敏锐的音乐家,也是天文,音乐和其他乐器的制造商。Long在彭布罗克图书馆中的平凡书中包含有关18世纪前十年的肠道和金属丝大键琴弦的宝贵信息,其中一些是由大键琴制造商Thomas Barton提供的。本文研究了这种极为罕见的信息(在17世纪或18世纪的英格兰,只有另一篇简短的参考文献提到了弦乐竖琴大键琴),并将线弦乐器的信息与巴顿唯一幸存的大键琴相提并论。朗(Long)向国王和王后展示的利里科德(Lyrichord)的建筑也有其他来源的记载,他很可能是根据Plenius的设计制作的。Long发明的另一种乐器,也就是肠线旅行的“大键琴”。所有这些信息都是在对欧洲肠弦式键盘乐器的较早研究的背景下设置的。显然,在他的一生中,Long致力于制造键盘乐器,这种乐器的肠道弦线音色比用钢丝绳缠绕的键盘琴音更为微妙和柔和。