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Ties That Bound: Founding First Ladies and Slaves by Marie Jenkins Schwartz
Early American Literature ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/eal.2019.0042
Christina Bieber Lake

cism of Imitation Nation, as Richards consistently describes hybridity and ambivalence as twin products of crossracial mimesis. Without contradiction, then, Richards’s account of unsustainable white purity collapsing into multiculturalism doubles as the story of power’s adaptability. Imitation Nation offers insight into white nationalism’s capacity to outlive its founding fictions. Although Richards emphasizes a liberatory arc of racial purity eroded and overcome through its very acts of becoming, a careful reading of Imitation Nation reveals another national narrative, an etiology of white nationalism, an account of how whiteness and its beneficiaries have adaptively absorbed nonwhite identities over time.


