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Teaching the Terrible; or, Taking William Charles White's Orlando; or, Parental Persecution, a Tragedy, to School
Early American Literature ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/eal.2019.0060
Paul Lewis

Abstract:Utterly amateurish and verbally clubfooted, inhabited by characters who behave in hilariously tragic ways and speak in tormented sentences, William Charles White's Orlando nonetheless: addresses changing relations between parents, children, husbands, wives, and friends; provides a useful contrast to other forgotten works from the period; supports discussions of literary quality, the value of literary traditions, and relations between art and society; and provides material for discussions of transatlantic literary imitation and innovation. Not despite but because of White's complex and amusing failure, Orlando should be taught for the doors it opens to understanding the challenges writers faced in the first decade after the ratification of the Constitution.



摘要:威廉·查尔斯·怀特 (William Charles White) 笔下的奥兰多 (Orlando) 非常业余,语言不通,充斥着以滑稽可笑的悲惨方式行事并用令人痛苦的句子说话的角色,尽管如此:解决父母、孩子、丈夫、妻子和朋友之间不断变化的关系;与该时期其他被遗忘的作品形成了有益的对比;支持讨论文学品质、文学传统的价值以及艺术与社会之间的关系;并为讨论跨大西洋文学模仿和创新提供材料。尽管如此,但由于怀特复杂而有趣的失败,奥兰多应该被教导为理解宪法批准后的第一个十年作家面临的挑战打开了大门。