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Phillis Wheatley Chooses Freedom: History, Poetry, and the Ideals of the American Revolution by G. J. Barker-Benfield
Early American Literature ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/eal.2019.0074
John Saillant

The last chapter in the book is perhaps the most original in terms of content in that it explores the desire for the divine within the rubric of sins against nature, going far beyond the study of mysticism with which this topic has traditionally been approached. Here, Tortorici examines the mixing of the sacred and the profane these intense desires caused. The archive he has assembled here allows him and the reader to explore a wide range of “desire for the divine”: “everything from ‘pollution’ to ‘obscene acts,’ from claiming sexual intercourse with saints’ to ‘other errors’” (199). He asserts that the baroque religious culture and the iconography it produced promoted “intimate experiences of the divine” that led to the committing of acts of pollution (200). Several examples he found in the archives detail men and women carrying out lewd acts with devotional objects, which, as Tortorici says, “stem from the intimately personal endeavors of those who sought to experience and feel the divine in ways that pushed the very boundaries of orthodoxy” (202). Here Tortorici introduces us to an unexplored and shadowy realm of popular religion, a discussion in which he writes that the believers who practiced their faith there “expanded the devotional, erotic, and archival imaginary in the very process” (202). This book stayed with me long after I had read it. Tortorici has a gift for bringing to life the people involved in these archival cases and humanizing many of them and the communities from which they came. The “ethical responsibilities” he feels toward the archive as well as the “intimate relationship” (253) he enjoys with it emerges strongly from the book’s pages and guarantees its place in the classroom and library for years to come.


菲利斯·惠特利选择自由:美国革命的历史、诗歌和理想 作者:GJ Barker-Benfield

这本书的最后一章在内容上可能是最原始的,因为它在对自然的罪恶的标题中探索了对神圣的渴望,远远超出了传统上研究这个主题的神秘主义研究。在这里,托尔托里奇检查了这些强烈欲望所引起的神圣与亵渎的混合。他在这里收集的档案使他和读者能够探索广泛的“对神圣的渴望”:“从'污染'到'淫秽行为',从声称与圣徒发生性关系'到'其他错误'”( 199)。他断言巴洛克式的宗教文化及其产生的图像促进了“神圣的亲密体验”,导致了污染行为的发生(200)。他在档案中发现的几个例子详细描述了男人和女人用虔诚的物品进行猥亵行为,正如托托里奇所说,“源于那些寻求体验和感受神圣的人的亲密个人努力,这些努力突破了宗教的界限。正统”(202)。Tortorici 在这里向我们介绍了大众宗教的一个未探索和阴暗的领域,在讨论中他写道,在那里实践信仰的信徒“在这个过程中扩展了虔诚、色情和档案的想象”(202)。这本书在我读了很久之后一直伴随着我。Tortorici 有一种天赋,可以让参与这些档案案件的人栩栩如生,并使他们中的许多人和他们来自的社区人性化。