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An Underground History of Early Victorian Fiction: Chartism, Radical Print Culture, and the Social Problem Novel by Gregory Vargo
Dickens Quarterly ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/dqt.2019.0017
Jennifer Miller

Vol. 36, No. 2, June 2019 according to Plotz, his short form “scientific romances” of the 1890s grapple with just such “puzzles about perception and its limits, between unreliable experience and ungraspable reality” (182). Plotz also examines such disparate topics as J. S. Mill’s philosophical writing and William Morris’s bookmaking for the Kelmscott Press, while later chapters consider Jude the Obscure, Willa Cather, and finally the films of Buster Keaton, the story-telling heir of both novels and the visual arts. However, he perhaps misses an opportunity by omitting the theater, for you can go as far back as the Prologue of Shakespeare’s Henry V (“can this cockpit hold/The vasty fields of France?”) to find an example of the recognition of two aesthetic planes working simultaneously on the observer. In his conclusion, Plotz articulates his own sense of semi-detachedness when writing this book: he ultimately views it as a work of “apparitional criticism,” an act of “understanding oneself as partially present, partially distant” in the act of approaching “the semi-remote, semi-obtrusive artwork” (242). Through this understanding, one can both acknowledge the “imperfections attendant on any kind of historical retrospective” but also partially satisfy our desire to achieve even “a wavering glimpse” (243) of the past close up. In this lively and thought-provoking account, Plotz invites us to become more aware of our own positions as readers, and reveals the intellectual rewards for doing so.


维多利亚早期小说的地下历史:图表主义、激进的印刷文化和社会问题小说格雷戈里·瓦戈(Gregory Vargo)

卷。根据 Plotz 的说法,2019 年 6 月第 36 期第 2 期,他在 1890 年代的简短形式的“科学浪漫主义”正在努力解决这种“关于感知及其局限性,在不可靠的经验和无法把握的现实之间的困惑”(182)。Plotz 还研究了 JS Mill 的哲学写作和威廉莫里斯为 Kelmscott Press 出版书籍等不同的主题,而后面的章节则考虑了默默无闻的裘德、薇拉凯瑟,最后是巴斯特基顿的电影,他是两部小说和视觉小说的讲故事继承人艺术。然而,他可能因为省略了剧院而错过了一个机会,因为你可以追溯到莎士比亚的亨利五世的序言(“这个驾驶舱可以容纳/法国广阔的田野吗?”)找到两个认可的例子审美平面同时作用于观察者。在他的结论中,普洛茨在写这本书时表达了他自己的半超脱感:他最终将其视为一部“幻影批评”的作品,一种在接近“半远程”的行为中“将自己理解为部分存在,部分疏远”的行为。 ,半引人注目的艺术品”(242)。通过这种理解,人们既可以承认“任何一种历史回顾所伴随的缺陷”,也可以部分满足我们实现对过去特写甚至“摇摆不定的一瞥”(243)的愿望。在这个生动而发人深省的叙述中,Plotz 邀请我们更加了解自己作为读者的立场,并揭示了这样做的智力回报。在接近“半遥远的、半引人注目的艺术品”(242)的行为中,部分遥远”。通过这种理解,人们既可以承认“任何一种历史回顾所伴随的缺陷”,也可以部分满足我们实现对过去特写甚至“摇摆不定的一瞥”(243)的愿望。在这个生动而发人深省的叙述中,Plotz 邀请我们更加了解自己作为读者的立场,并揭示了这样做的智力回报。在接近“半遥远的、半引人注目的艺术品”(242)的行为中,部分遥远”。通过这种理解,人们既可以承认“任何一种历史回顾所伴随的缺陷”,也可以部分满足我们实现对过去特写甚至“摇摆不定的一瞥”(243)的愿望。在这个生动而发人深省的叙述中,Plotz 邀请我们更加了解自己作为读者的立场,并揭示了这样做的智力回报。