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Fired Up! Ready to Go!: Finding Beauty, Demanding Equity: An African American Life in Art. The Collections of Peggy Cooper Cafritz by Peggy Cooper Cafritz
African American Review ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/afa.2019.0015
Michelle Joan Wilkinson

In one of the most original and valuable essays, Brian Norman explores Baldwin’s views on black masculinity in the late 1960s and early ’70s in relation to the women’s liberation movement. Norman posits in “Crossing Identitarian Lines: Women’s Liberation and James Baldwin’s Early Essays” that, “[b]y examining how and why Baldwin played a key role in the development of many women’s liberationists, we can appreciate how he is able to travel across sharp lines within twentieth-century literary and political identitarian traditions” (248). By exploring Baldwin’s work as proto-feminist, even—and especially—when it is unexpected, Norman argues that “in Baldwin’s essays, . . . it is precisely in the most intimate spaces—the psyche, sexual interaction, personal experience—where political change is possible” (264). As Ulf Schulenberg observes in “ ‘Where the People Can Sing, the Poet Can Live’: James Baldwin, Pragmatism, and Cosmopolitan Humanism,” despite the renaissance in Baldwin studies, he is absent from discussion about American pragmatism. Placing Baldwin in the context of recent works of pragmatism by Cornel West and Walton M. Muyumba, Schulenberg convincingly argues that the author collapses the distinctions between interior and exterior lives, reading him as a humanist concerned with collective and individual responsibility. Baldwin’s discussion of individualism is further explored by Jack Turner in “Baldwin’s Individualism and the Critique of Property,” who rightly points out that Baldwin “invariably condemns ‘liberals,’ not liberalism” (306; original emphasis). The final three essays use Baldwin’s work to reevaluate the recent state-sanctioned violence against black bodies. In “James Baldwin on Violence and Disavowal,” Lisa Beard considers why so many commentators and social media users are turning to Baldwin the wake of Black Lives Matter protests through a compelling reading of the author’s writing on violence. In “James Baldwin and Black Lives Matter,” one of the most engaging essays, Eddie S. Glaude, Jr. provides a thoughtful overview of Black Lives Matter while thinking “about Baldwin a kind of exemplar of a perfectionist tradition that takes shape under the conditions of domination” (362). The volume concludes with Rachel Brahinsky’s essay, “ ‘Tell Him I’m Gone’: On the Margins in High-Tech City,” which revisits the documentary Take This Hammer (1963) in which Baldwin, interviewed in San Francisco, “commented on the crumbling geographies of liberally inclined cities like this one” (373). Brahinsky’s original and compelling essay situates Baldwin’s views in the context of urban renewal programs to formulate a politics of place. A Political Companion to James Baldwin is a refreshing and welcome addition to scholarship on the author. By viewing Baldwin as a writer concerned with individualism, democracy, women’s rights, civil rights, and sexual difference, the essays enrich an understanding of life and work, illustrating the ways in which his fiction and nonfiction cuts across different disciplines in new and engaging ways.


开火了!准备出发!:寻找美,追求公平:非裔美国人的艺术生活。佩吉·库珀·卡弗里茨 (Peggy Cooper Cafritz) 的佩吉·库珀·卡弗里茨 (Peggy Cooper Cafritz) 收藏

在其中一篇最具原创性和价值的文章中,Brian Norman 探讨了鲍德温对 1960 年代末和 70 年代初与妇女解放运动有关的黑人男子气概的看法。诺曼在“跨越身份界限:妇女解放和詹姆斯鲍德温的早期散文”中假设,“[b] 通过研究鲍德温如何以及为什么在许多妇女解放主义者的发展中发挥关键作用,我们可以欣赏他如何能够穿越二十世纪文学和政治身份认同传统中的尖锐线条”(248)。通过探索鲍德温作为原始女权主义者的工作,甚至——尤其是——在出乎意料的情况下,诺曼认为“在鲍德温的文章中,. . . 正是在最私密的空间——心理、性互动、个人经历——政治变革是可能的”(264)。正如乌尔夫·舒伦伯格在“人们可以歌唱的地方,诗人可以生活的地方”:詹姆斯·鲍德温、实用主义和世界人文主义中所观察到的那样,尽管鲍德温的研究复兴了,但他没有参加关于美国实用主义的讨论。舒伦伯格将鲍德温置于 Cornel West 和 Walton M. Muyumba 最近的实用主义作品的背景下,令人信服地认为,作者打破了内在和外在生活之间的区别,将他解读为关注集体和个人责任的人文主义者。杰克·特纳 (Jack Turner) 在“鲍德温的个人主义和财产批判”(Baldwin's Individualism and the Critique of Property) 中进一步探讨了鲍德温对个人主义的讨论,他正确地指出鲍德温“总是谴责‘自由主义者’,而不是自由主义”(306;最初强调)。最后三篇文章使用鲍德温的作品来重新评估最近国家批准的针对黑人身体的暴力行为。在“James Baldwin on Violence and Disavowal”中,Lisa Beard 思考了为什么这么多评论员和社交媒体用户在 Black Lives Matter 抗议活动之后通过对作者关于暴力的著作的引人入胜的阅读而转向 Baldwin。在“詹姆斯·鲍德温和黑人的命也是命”中,最引人入胜的文章之一,埃迪·S·格洛德 (Eddie S. Glaude, Jr.) 在思考“鲍德温是一种完美主义传统的典范时,对黑人的命也是命”进行了深思熟虑的概述,这种传统在统治条件”(362)。该卷以 Rachel Brahinsky 的文章结尾,“'告诉他我走了':在高科技城市的边缘”,该文章重温了鲍德温在旧金山接受采访的纪录片《Take This Hammer》(1963 年),“评论像这样的自由倾向城市的摇摇欲坠的地理”(373)。Brahinsky 原创且引人入胜的文章将鲍德温的观点置于城市更新计划的背景下,以制定地方政治。詹姆斯鲍德温的政治伴侣是作者奖学金的一个令人耳目一新且受欢迎的补充。通过将鲍德温视为一位关注个人主义、民主、妇女权利、公民权利和性别差异的作家,这些文章丰富了对生活和工作的理解,说明了他的小说和非小说以新的、引人入胜的方式跨越不同学科的方式. Brahinsky 原创且引人入胜的文章将鲍德温的观点置于城市更新计划的背景下,以制定地方政治。詹姆斯鲍德温的政治伴侣是作者奖学金的一个令人耳目一新且受欢迎的补充。通过将鲍德温视为一位关注个人主义、民主、妇女权利、公民权利和性别差异的作家,这些文章丰富了对生活和工作的理解,说明了他的小说和非小说以新的、引人入胜的方式跨越不同学科的方式. Brahinsky 原创且引人入胜的文章将鲍德温的观点置于城市更新计划的背景下,以制定地方政治。詹姆斯鲍德温的政治伴侣是作者奖学金的一个令人耳目一新且受欢迎的补充。通过将鲍德温视为一位关注个人主义、民主、妇女权利、公民权利和性别差异的作家,这些文章丰富了对生活和工作的理解,说明了他的小说和非小说以新的、引人入胜的方式跨越不同学科的方式.