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What in the World Is Collective Responsibility?
Dialectica Pub Date : 2018-06-01 , DOI: 10.1111/1746-8361.12228
Alberto Giubilini 1 , Neil Levy 2

Abstract In this paper we analyse the notion of collective responsibility and the criteria for its application to different types of groups. We argue that most of the ways in which the notion of collective responsibility has been attributed to different types of groups actually refer to a form of responsibility that is not genuinely collective, but that boils down to some form of individual responsibility. We identify an intrinsically collective kind of responsibility and argue that it can be attributed to only one kind of group. We begin by setting two necessary and sufficient conditions for attribution of genuinely collective moral responsibility, asking whether these two conditions are satisfied in the case of different types of groups that have been taken to be bearers of moral responsibility: organized groups, groups with internal bonds of solidarity, groups that program individuals to act in a certain way, random collections of individuals, and individuals engaging in joint actions. Contrary to what various authors have maintained, we argue that only in the case of individuals engaging in joint actions is attribution of a genuinely collective form of moral responsibility warranted, i.e. only groups engaging in joint action satisfy the two conditions for attribution of genuinely collective moral responsibility.



摘要 在本文中,我们分析了集体责任的概念及其适用于不同类型群体的标准。我们认为,将集体责任概念归因于不同类型群体的大多数方式实际上是指一种并非真正集体的责任形式,而是归结为某种形式的个人责任。我们确定了一种本质上的集体责任,并认为它只能归于一种群体。我们首先为真正的集体道德责任的归属设定了两个充分必要条件,并询问在被视为道德责任承担者的不同类型群体的情况下是否满足这两个条件:有组织的群体,具有内部团结纽带的团体、安排个人以某种方式行事的团体、个人的随机集合以及参与联合行动的个人。与不同作者所坚持的相反,我们认为,只有在个人参与联合行动的情况下,才能真正归属于真正的集体道德责任形式,即只有参与联合行动的群体才能满足真正集体道德归属的两个条件。责任。e. 只有参与联合行动的群体才能满足真正集体道德责任归属的两个条件。e. 只有参与联合行动的群体才能满足真正集体道德责任归属的两个条件。