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New Light on the Ten Jubilees of 11QMelchizedek (11Q13)
Dead Sea Discoveries ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-10 , DOI: 10.1163/15685179-12341454
Ariel Feldman 1

This note suggests a new reading and reconstruction of the oft-cited 11QMelchizedek 2:6–8. This passage is a part of the “pesher for the last days” expounding on Lev 25:13 and Deut 15:2. Its vision of future liberation from spiritual captivity to Belial relies on the language and conceptual framework of the Jubilee Year. Moreover, the pesher refers to a temporal scheme of ten Jubilees. The new reading helps clarify the precise timing of the eschatological redemption, “the beginning of the first Jubilee after [the] te[n] Jubilees,” and its implication for the scroll’s scriptural exegesis.


11QMelchizedek 十周年的新光(11Q13)

这篇笔记建议对经常被引用的 11QMelchizedek 2:6-8 进行新的阅读和重构。这段经文是解释利未记 25:13 和申命记 15:2 的“末世的 pesher”的一部分。它对未来从精神囚禁中解放到 Belial 的愿景依赖于禧年的语言和概念框架。此外,pesher 指的是十个禧年的时间计划。新的解读有助于澄清末世救赎的准确时间,“在 [the] te [n] Jubilees 之后的第一个禧年的开始”,以及它对卷轴经文释经的含义。