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The Prosecution in Seychelles of Piracy Committed on the High Seas and the Right to a Fair Trial
Criminal Law Forum ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10609-020-09383-0
Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi

In Seychelles, the general rule is that domestic courts do not have jurisdiction over offences committed abroad. However, there are exceptions to that rule and one of them relates to the offence of piracy committed on the high seas. Section 65(1) of the Seychelles Penal Code creates the offence of piracy which is committed “within Seychelles or elsewhere” and section 65(2) provides that “the courts of Seychelles shall have jurisdiction to try an offence of piracy…whether the offence is committed within the territory of Seychelles or outside the territory of Seychelles.” On the basis of section 65, many suspected pirates have been prosecuted in Seychelles. Closely related to the issue of prosecuting suspected pirates is the question of whether their trial was fair. The right to a fair trial and public hearing is provided for under Article 19 of the Constitution. There are many piracy cases in which Seychellois courts have dealt with the issue of the right to a fair trial. The rights which have featured prominently are: the right to be tried by a competent court and the jurisdiction of Seychellois courts to try piracy committed on the high seas; the right against double jeopardy; the right to examine witnesses and challenge evidence; right to remain silent; the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty; and the right to be informed in detail of the nature of the offence. The purpose of this article is to assess the jurisprudence in question and, where appropriate, suggest ways in which Seychellois courts could better protect the right to fair trial of those accused of committing piracy.



在塞舌尔,一般规则是国内法院对在国外犯下的罪行没有管辖权。但是,该规则也有例外,其中之一与在公海上实施的海盗罪有关。《塞舌尔刑法典》第 65(1) 条规定了在“塞舌尔境内或其他地方”实施的海盗罪,第 65(2) 条规定“塞舌尔法院有权审判海盗罪……无论是发生在塞舌尔境内或塞舌尔境外。” 根据第 65 条,塞舌尔已经起诉了许多海盗嫌疑人。与起诉海盗嫌疑人的问题密切相关的是对他们的审判是否公平的问题。《宪法》第 19 条规定了获得公平审判和公开听证的权利。塞舌尔法院在许多海盗案件中处理了公平审判权问题。突出的权利是:由主管法院审判的权利和塞舌尔法院审判公海海盗行为的管辖权;避免双重危险的权利;询问证人和质疑证据的权利;保持沉默的权利;在被证明有罪之前被推定无罪的权利;以及被告知犯罪性质的详细信息的权利。本文的目的是评估相关判例,并在适当情况下建议塞舌尔法院如何更好地保护被指控犯有海盗行为的人获得公平审判的权利。塞舌尔法院在许多海盗案件中处理了公平审判权问题。突出的权利是:由主管法院审判的权利和塞舌尔法院审判公海海盗行为的管辖权;避免双重危险的权利;询问证人和质疑证据的权利;保持沉默的权利;在被证明有罪之前被推定无罪的权利;以及被告知犯罪性质的详细信息的权利。本文的目的是评估相关判例,并在适当情况下建议塞舌尔法院如何更好地保护被指控犯有海盗行为的人获得公平审判的权利。塞舌尔法院在许多海盗案件中处理了公平审判权问题。突出的权利是:由主管法院审判的权利和塞舌尔法院审判公海海盗行为的管辖权;避免双重危险的权利;询问证人和质疑证据的权利;保持沉默的权利;在被证明有罪之前被推定无罪的权利;以及被告知犯罪性质的详细信息的权利。本文的目的是评估相关判例,并在适当情况下建议塞舌尔法院如何更好地保护被指控犯有海盗行为的人获得公平审判的权利。突出的权利是:由主管法院审判的权利和塞舌尔法院审判公海海盗行为的管辖权;避免双重危险的权利;询问证人和质疑证据的权利;保持沉默的权利;在被证明有罪之前被推定无罪的权利;以及被告知犯罪性质的详细信息的权利。本文的目的是评估相关判例,并在适当情况下建议塞舌尔法院如何更好地保护被指控犯有海盗行为的人获得公平审判的权利。突出的权利是:由主管法院审判的权利和塞舌尔法院审判公海海盗行为的管辖权;避免双重危险的权利;询问证人和质疑证据的权利;保持沉默的权利;在被证明有罪之前被推定无罪的权利;以及被告知犯罪性质的详细信息的权利。本文的目的是评估相关判例,并在适当情况下建议塞舌尔法院如何更好地保护被指控犯有海盗行为的人获得公平审判的权利。询问证人和质疑证据的权利;保持沉默的权利;在被证明有罪之前被推定无罪的权利;以及被告知犯罪性质的详细信息的权利。本文的目的是评估相关判例,并在适当情况下建议塞舌尔法院如何更好地保护被指控犯有海盗行为的人获得公平审判的权利。询问证人和质疑证据的权利;保持沉默的权利;在被证明有罪之前被推定无罪的权利;以及被告知犯罪性质的详细信息的权利。本文的目的是评估相关判例,并在适当情况下建议塞舌尔法院如何更好地保护被指控犯有海盗行为的人获得公平审判的权利。