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“Richard Rorty on the American Left in the Era of Trump”
Contemporary Pragmatism ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-01 , DOI: 10.1163/18758185-01502002
David Rondel 1

This paper revisits some of the arguments in Richard Rorty’s Achieving Our Country , twenty years after the book first appeared. Not only are many of Rorty’s diagnoses and predictions eerily prescient in the wake of the rise of Donald Trump to the US presidency, but there is also perceptive political advice in Rorty’s book that I argue the contemporary American Left would do well to heed. While many post-election commentators have tended to read Achieving Our Country as an admonishment of so-called “identity politics” in favor of an “old Left” politics of redistribution and economic justice, I argue that the main distinction on which the analysis in Achieving Our Country hangs is between what Rorty calls “real politics” and “cultural politics”, a conclusion that is confirmed, I argue, by examining the three concrete suggestions for the American Left that together form the core positive argument in Rorty’s book.



这篇论文重新审视了理查德·罗蒂 (Richard Rorty) 的《成就我们的国家》(Achieving Our Country) 中的一些论点,这是该书首次出版二十年后。在唐纳德特朗普升任美国总统之后,罗蒂的许多诊断和预测不仅具有异乎寻常的先见之明,而且在罗蒂的书中也有敏锐的政治建议,我认为当代美国左派应该好好注意。虽然许多选举后评论员倾向于将实现我们的国家视为对所谓的“身份政治”的告诫,以支持重新分配和经济正义的“旧左派”政治,但我认为,分析中的主要区别实现我们的国家悬而未决介于罗蒂所说的“真实政治”和“文化政治”之间,我认为,这一结论得到了证实,