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Nicholas Love as an Ecclesiastical Reformer
Church History and Religious Culture Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1163/18712428-09601003
Michael G. Sargent 1

Nicholas Love was the prior of the Carthusian house of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Mount Grace from its incorporation into the Order at the General Chapter of 1410 until shortly before his death, which occurred between 15 March and 28 July, 1423. He is most commonly known to present-day scholarship as the author of The Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ and because of the licensing of the Mirror by Archbishop Thomas Arundel in accordance with the stipulations of the Lambeth Constitutions of 1409, as an agent in the archbishop's campaign against the followers of John Wyclif, and against Wycliffite translation of the scriptures into the vernacular. It would be better, however, to see him as an actor in his own right, a promoter, like his continental European Carthusian confreres, of the reform of the western Church in the fifteenth century.


尼古拉斯·洛夫(Nicholas Love):教会改革者

尼古拉斯·洛夫(Nicholas Love)曾是格雷斯山圣母玛利亚升天的卡尔特教派房屋的先驱者,从1410年总会章并入该勋章直至其去世前不久(即1423年3月15日至7月28日)。是当今最广为人知的奖学金,是《耶稣基督的有福人生之镜》的作者,也是因为托马斯·阿伦德尔大主教根据1409年《兰贝斯宪法》的规定授予了《镜子》一职,大主教反对约翰·威克里夫的追随者的运动,以及反对威克利夫特将经文翻译成白话的运动。不过,最好是将他视为自己的演员,促进者,就像他在欧洲大陆的迦太基人所承认的那样,