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Visualizing the Knowledge Domain of Humor Processing: A Scientometric Review (2000-2016)
Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1515/cjal-2017-0012
Guo Hanning , Wang Huili

Abstract The scientific literature of humor processing between 2000 and 2016 was reviewed by means of scientometric methods. The clustered and visualized document co-citation network of the humor processing knowledge domain was analyzed in terms of common topics and content of co-cited references. Emerging trends of humor processing were detected through reference citation bursts. The combined dataset of 816 bibliographic records and 42,687 references was compiled through a basic topic search. In order to ensure adequate coverage of the field, the search was expanded to include literature that referenced literature found in the initial basic topic search. Results produced a document co-citation network of humor processing with ten clusters, which showed that social cognition and fMRI study both served as important foundations for work in this knowledge domain. Personality studies in humor processing as well as research about the right hemisphere’s role in humor processing also received considerable attention. These key areas of study accounted for 4 clusters. The remaining six clusters included studies on sexual selection, figurative language, prejudice, facial expression, sleep deprivation and infant humor perception associated with the knowledge domain. In this study, burst detection in references revealed topics of high interest to researchers as well as emerging trends in humor processing research.


