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Reflections on the Production-Oriented Approach vis-à-vis Pre-service Teachers
Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-27 , DOI: 10.1515/cjal-2017-0029
Charlene Polio

In today’s post-method climate, it is unlikely that any named approach or method will be adopted as a whole in a large variety of contexts. While the Production-Oriented Approach (POA) is no exception, it is based on sound principles, and the activities in iEnglish, a tangible implementation of POA, provide excellent models for pre-service teachers. I discuss here some of the challenges for pre-service ESL/EFL teachers, based on both my research and on my experience, and show how the principles of POA can help raise their awareness of certain crucial issues. This is not to claim that all pre-service teachers face the same difficulties, but rather, the ones described here are the most common in my experience. In Mackey, Polio, and McDonough (2004), we found that pre-service teachers did not provide oral feedback or a pre-emptive focus on language as often as experienced teachers when implementing the same set of lesson plans. We hypothesized that the preservice teachers were so focused on following the lesson plan that they did stop and think about how to draw students’ attention to language issues. In a related study (Polio, Gass, & Chapin, 2006), we found that when completing an information gap activity with ESL students, pre-serviceteachers focused on the best way to complete the task and the ESL students’ feelings, not on student learning, as did the experienced teachers. I see these findings as being related to Wen’s (2016) concern about reducing the teacher’s role to that of “facilitator, consultant, and helper” (p. 4). Although not all pre-service teachers see themselves as merely facilitators, it is important for pre-service teachers to see themselves as people who provide the tools and structured activities for learners as emphasized by the Learning-Centered Principle. In our two studies, the pre-service teachers did not seem to be able to provide feedback or to view a task as a language learning activity because they were too focused on the lesson or the learner and not on learning. Somewhat related to this issue is the lack of some pre-service teachers to move beyond a top-down approach to the chosen listening or reading material. Wen (2016) stated: I have found quite a few teachers like to assign students a speaking or writing activity preceded or followed by brain-storming. They may ask students to do pair or group work



在当今的后方法气候下,不可能在多种情况下整体采用任何命名的方法或方法。尽管以生产为导向的方法(POA)也不例外,但它基于可靠的原则,而iEnglish(POA的有形实施)中的活动为岗前教师提供了出色的模式。我将根据我的研究和经验,在此讨论职前ESL / EFL教师面临的一些挑战,并说明POA的原理如何帮助他们提高对某些关键问题的认识。这并不是说所有职前教师都面临同样的困难,而是我所描述的最常见的问题。在Mackey,脊髓灰质炎和McDonough(2004)中,我们发现,在实施同一套课程计划时,职前教师没有像经验丰富的老师那样频繁地提供口头反馈或对语言的抢先关注。我们假设,学前班教师如此专注于遵循课程计划,以至于他们停下来思考如何吸引学生对语言问题的注意。在一项相关研究中(Polio,Gas和Chapin,2006年),我们发现当完成与ESL学生的信息鸿沟活动时,职前教师将重点放在完成任务和ESL学生感受的最佳方法上,而不是学生学习,以及经验丰富的老师。我认为这些发现与温(2016)关于将教师的角色减少为“促进者,顾问和帮助者”的担忧有关(第4页)。尽管并非所有的职前教师都将自己视为促进者,但以学习为中心的原则所强调的,对于职前教师来说,将自己视为为学习者提供工具和结构化活动的人是很重要的。在我们的两项研究中,职前教师似乎无法提供反馈或将任务视为语言学习活动,因为他们过于专注于课程或学习者而不是学习。与这个问题有关的是缺少一些岗前教师来超越自上而下的方法来选择听力或阅读材料。Wen(2016)指出:我发现相当多的老师喜欢在头脑风暴之前或之后给学生安排演讲或写作活动。他们可能会要求学生做配对或小组作业 对于职前教师来说,重要的是要把自己看作是为学习者提供工具和结构化活动的人,这是以学习为中心的原则所强调的。在我们的两项研究中,职前教师似乎无法提供反馈或将任务视为语言学习活动,因为他们过于专注于课程或学习者而不是学习。与这个问题有关的是缺少一些岗前教师来超越自上而下的方法来选择听力或阅读材料。Wen(2016)指出:我发现相当多的老师喜欢在头脑风暴之前或之后给学生安排演讲或写作活动。他们可能会要求学生做配对或小组作业 对于职前教师来说,重要的是要把自己看作是为学习者提供工具和结构化活动的人,这是以学习为中心的原则所强调的。在我们的两项研究中,职前教师似乎无法提供反馈或将任务视为语言学习活动,因为他们过于专注于课程或学习者而不是学习。与这个问题有关的是缺少一些岗前教师来超越自上而下的方法来选择听力或阅读材料。Wen(2016)指出:我发现相当多的老师喜欢在头脑风暴之前或之后给学生安排演讲或写作活动。他们可能会要求学生做配对或小组作业 职前教师似乎无法提供反馈或将任务视为语言学习活动,因为他们过于专注于课程或学习者而不是学习。与这个问题有关的是缺少一些岗前教师来从上到下的方法来选择听力或阅读材料。Wen(2016)指出:我发现相当多的老师喜欢在头脑风暴之前或之后给学生安排演讲或写作活动。他们可能会要求学生做配对或小组作业 职前教师似乎无法提供反馈或将任务视为语言学习活动,因为他们过于专注于课程或学习者而不是学习。与这个问题有关的是缺少一些岗前教师来超越自上而下的方法来选择听力或阅读材料。Wen(2016)指出:我发现相当多的老师喜欢在进行头脑风暴之前或之后,给学生安排演讲或写作活动。他们可能会要求学生做配对或小组作业 与这个问题有关的是缺少一些岗前教师来超越自上而下的方法来选择听力或阅读材料。Wen(2016)指出:我发现相当多的老师喜欢在头脑风暴之前或之后给学生安排演讲或写作活动。他们可能会要求学生做配对或小组作业 与这个问题有关的是缺少一些岗前教师来超越自上而下的方法来选择听力或阅读材料。Wen(2016)指出:我发现相当多的老师喜欢在头脑风暴之前或之后给学生安排演讲或写作活动。他们可能会要求学生做配对或小组作业