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Building on a forgotten past
Children Australia Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1017/cha.2020.32
Jennifer Lehmann , Rachael Sanders

While appropriate to deal with the health and economic impacts on populations, both locally and globally, it is concerning that we seem to have set aside the hard-won understandings of the benefits of social justice and welfare that lead to greater equity among people and have forgotten those who have fought long and hard to provide support and services in an effort to overcome disadvantage High officials and local community leaders were, in turn, expected to take care of members of their communities Casson (1998, p 16) states ‘[b]oth the government and private individuals tried to alleviate the situation by instituting child-assistance programs’, and goes on to tell of a wealthy woman of Terracina who made a bequest in the memory of her son which provided enough money to support 100 boys and 100 girls until the boys were 16 years of age and the girls 14 years old The Bible indicates concern for children and their well-being with passages referring to the obligations that children have to parents and that parents have to children (Pachuau & Sarathy, 2015), as well as referring to acts of kindness and support that provide examples of Christian behaviour (for instance, the Good Samaritan story)



虽然适用于处理对当地和全球人口的健康和经济影响,但令人担忧的是,我们似乎已经搁置了对社会正义和福利的好处的来之不易的理解,这些好处导致人们之间更加公平,并忘记了那些长期努力提供支持和服务以克服劣势的人 反过来,高级官员和当地社区领导人被期望照顾他们的社区成员 Casson (1998, p 16) 指出'[b ]其他政府和个人试图通过制定儿童援助计划来缓解这种情况,并继续讲述泰拉西纳 (Terracina) 的一位富婆为纪念她的儿子而做一笔遗产,这笔钱足以养活 100 名男孩和 100 名女孩,直到男孩 16 岁和女孩 14 岁 圣经表示关切关于儿童及其福祉的段落,其中提到儿童对父母的义务以及父母对子女的义务(Pachuau 和 Sarathy,2015 年),以及提供基督教行为范例的善意和支持行为(例如例如,好撒玛利亚人的故事)以及指提供基督徒行为示例的善意和支持行为(例如,好撒玛利亚人的故事)以及指提供基督徒行为示例的善意和支持行为(例如,好撒玛利亚人的故事)