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Gender and Sexual Orientation Bullying Victimization are Associated with Gun Carrying Among Adolescent Boys
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal ( IF 1.744 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10560-020-00689-x
Kyle T. Ganson , Jason M. Nagata

Gun carrying and bullying victimization are associated among adolescent boys, however the type of the bullying remains relatively unknown. This study aimed to identify whether experiencing bullying victimization based on gender and sexual orientation is associated with carrying a gun to school among adolescent boys. A cross-sectional analysis among a representative sample of high school boys (n = 3672) from the 2015 Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey was conducted. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were obtained using logistic regression analyses while controlling for grade level, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, suicidal ideation, alcohol and marijuana use, and gun access. Among the sample, 3.3% reported carrying a gun to school at least one time in the previous 12-months, 9.5% reported experiencing gender-based bullying victimization, and 7% reported experiencing sexual orientation-based bullying victimization. Regression analyses indicated that adolescent boys who experienced gender-based bullying victimization (OR 3.40, 95% CI 1.64, 5.62, p < .001) or sexual orientation-based bullying victimization (OR 3.57, 95% CI 1.91, 6.67, p < .001) had greater odds of reporting they carried a gun to school while controlling for grade level, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, suicidal ideation, alcohol and marijuana use, and gun access. These results expand upon previous gun carrying and bullying research by identifying the specific type of the bullying experienced and have important implications for social workers and school personnel. Importantly, these results emphasize the need to address two of the Grand Challenges for Social Work: building healthy relationships to end violence and ensuring the healthy development for all youth.



持枪和欺凌受害与青春期男孩有关,但欺凌的类型仍然相对未知。本研究旨在确定遭受基于性别和性取向的欺凌受害是否与青春期男孩持枪上学有关。高中男生代表性样本的横断面分析 ( n = 3672) 来自 2015 年缅因州综合青年健康调查。优势比 (OR) 和 95% 置信区间 (CI) 使用逻辑回归分析获得,同时控制年级、种族/民族、性取向、自杀意念、酒精和大麻的使用以及枪支使用。在样本中,3.3% 的人报告在过去 12 个月内至少一次携带枪支上学,9.5% 的人报告经历过基于性别的欺凌受害,7% 的人报告经历过基于性取向的欺凌受害。回归分析表明,经历过基于性别的欺凌受害(OR 3.40, 95% CI 1.64, 5.62, p  < .001)或基于性取向的欺凌受害(OR 3.57, 95% CI 1.91, 6.67, p < .001) 更有可能报告他们携带枪支上学,同时控制年级、种族/民族、性取向、自杀意念、酒精和大麻的使用以及枪支使用。这些结果通过确定所经历的特定类型的欺凌来扩展先前的持枪和欺凌研究,并对社会工作者和学校人员具有重要意义。重要的是,这些结果强调需要解决社会工作的两大挑战:建立健康的关系以结束暴力和确保所有青年的健康发展。
