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Why Gregor is My Favorite Character from Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins
Callaloo Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/cal.2017.0096
Julian Randall

Plot: Gregor the Overlander is a book by an author named Suzanne Collins, it is her first book in the series. The book is about an eleven-year-old boy named Gregor who travels accidentally to a realm beneath the city of New York called the Underland. In the Underland he battles many ferocious and massive creatures in an attempt to save his father.1 Gregor is believed to be a powerful warrior from the Overland despite being only 11 and not particularly large or strong. Throughout the book Gregor makes friends with many characters including two giant roaches, a retired military rat, and a sometimes haughty princess named Luxa who teaches him to ride giant bats. She calls him Overlander, because he is not from where they are from.2 Gregor and Luxa even fight about it a couple of times though they are always separated by their elder guide Vikus.3 Gregor eventually finds his father held captive by the rat king and unleashes his Rager ability to kill both the King and Luxa’s traitorous cousin Harry.4 Gregor is thrown off the side of a cliff by Harry5 as Gregor attempts to run to get his father but is saved by Harry’s giant bat as he falls. Harry’s bat eventually takes Gregor and his new friends home to the human city before taking Gregor up to the vent he fell through to get to the Underland.



剧情:格雷戈尔是一位名叫苏珊娜柯林斯的作家的书,这是她在该系列中的第一本书。这本书讲述了一个名叫格雷戈尔的 11 岁男孩意外旅行到纽约市地下的一个名为地下的领域。在地底,他为了拯救他的父亲而与许多凶猛而庞大的生物战斗。1 格里高尔被认为是来自地底的强大战士,尽管他只有 11 岁,而且不是特别大或强壮。在整本书中,格雷戈尔结交了许多角色,包括两只巨大的蟑螂、一只退役的军用老鼠,以及一位教他骑巨型蝙蝠的有时傲慢的公主卢莎。她称他为 Overlander,因为他不是他们来自的地方。2 Gregor 和 Luxa 甚至为此吵架了几次,尽管他们总是被他们的老向导 Vikus 分开。3 格雷戈尔最终发现他的父亲被鼠王俘虏,并释放了他的愤怒能力,杀死了国王和卢克萨的叛徒表弟哈利。 4 格里高尔被哈利从悬崖边扔下 5 格里高尔试图逃跑去找他的父亲,但哈利跌倒时被他的巨型蝙蝠救了出来。哈利的蝙蝠最终将格里高尔和他的新朋友带回了人类城市,然后又将格里高尔带到了他掉下来的通风口,到达了地下世界。