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I Learned My Name Was Not My Name
Callaloo Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/cal.2016.0038
Jeremy Michael Clark

He threw it from within the room we never used unless company came. The radio’s plastic scattered in the kitchen, my mother’s scalp split until it bled. My stepfather called me every name except my own. His backhand fed me silence. A gag of knuckles. When I tried to fight it wasn’t enough. I can’t remember if my brother hid. The neighbors must’ve heard, must’ve groaned, Not again. He stood over me & said, Why you stick up for her? She hasn’t even told you who your daddy really is. I was seven. The blood had set in my mother’s nightgown. She was trying to blot the stains. When I learned my name was not my name, I became nobody’s ghost. I grew inside out. I curled my lips between my teeth & bit down to not scream. He said, I’ll give you something to scream about––


