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Singing and Survival: Empowering the Female Voice in Harriet Prescott Spofford’s “Circumstance”
CEA Critic ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/cea.2017.0013
Colleen Donnelly

While Young Goodman Brown maintains his faith, he faces a life of insular misery after his experience, estranged from family and community. The protagonist of “Circumstance” emerges from the woods with little concern for her spiritual salvation, embracing her family who has survived the fate of their small settlement that has been destroyed by Indians. The difference in the tenor of the ending is reflective of the different intentions of the stories and the difference between the male and female visions of the dark night and its consequences.


歌唱与生存:在 Harriet Prescott Spofford 的“环境”中赋予女性声音

年轻的古德曼·布朗 (Young Goodman Brown) 坚持自己的信仰,但在经历与家人和社区疏远之后,他面临着与世隔绝的苦难生活。“环境”的主人公从树林里走出来,对她的精神救赎毫不关心,拥抱了她的家人,他们在被印第安人摧毁的小定居点的命运中幸存下来。结局男高音的不同,反映了故事的不同意图,以及男女对黑夜及其后果的看法的不同。