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Eight unedited poems to his friends and patrons by Manuel Philes
Byzantinische Zeitschrift ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1515/bz-2020-0038
Krystina Kubina 1

This article presents the critical edition of eight hitherto unpublished poems by Manuel Philes together with a translation and a commentary. The poems are verse letters addressed to various high-ranking individuals. Poem 1 is addressed to the emperor, whose power is emphasised in a request to help Philes escape from his misery. Poem 2 is a fragment likewise addressed to the emperor. Poem 3 is a consolatory poem for a father whose son has died. In poem 4, Philes addresses a patron whose wife hurried to Constantinople after she had become the object of hostility of unknown people. Poem 5 is addressed to the month of August and deals with the return of a benefactor of Philes to Constantinople. In poem 6, Philes writes on behalf of an unnamed banker and asks the megas dioiketes Kabasilas to judge the latter justly. Poems 7 and 8 are tetrasticha including a request for wine.


曼纽尔·菲莱斯(Manuel Philes)给他的朋友和顾客的八首未经编辑的诗歌

本文介绍了曼努埃尔·菲尔斯(Manuel Philes)迄今未出版的八首诗的批评版,并附有翻译和评论。这首诗是写给各个高级人物的诗集。诗歌1是写给皇帝的,皇帝的力量在帮助菲勒斯摆脱困境的请求中得到了强调。诗二是同样写给皇帝的片段。诗三首是他儿子去世的父亲的慰藉诗。在诗歌4中,菲尔斯向一位赞助人致辞,他的妻子在成为陌生人的敌对对象后,妻子急忙前往君士坦丁堡。第5诗是写给八月的,讲述了菲勒斯的恩人回到君士坦丁堡的故事。在诗篇6中,菲勒斯代表一位不愿透露姓名的银行家写作,并请百万富翁迪卡伊特·卡巴西拉斯(Kabasilas)公正地评判后者。