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Four lead seals of the 11th century from Yozgat
Byzantinische Zeitschrift ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1515/bz-2020-0040
Ergün Laflı 1 , Werner Seibt 2

In the museum of Yozgat in eastern-central Anatolia four eleventh century A.D. seals of Byzantine dignitaries are stored, all of them originate probably from central Anatolia. Basileios Trichinopodes was hypatos and strategos of Anazarbus in Cilicia in the middle of the eleventh century, Katakalon was hypatos and strategos of Larissa in Cappadocia in the third quarter of the same century, a civil dignitary, probably named Pirmanes, was protospatharios and chartoularios of the Bucellarian Theme in the second half of the tenth or early eleventh century, and Samuel Alousianos, a grandson of the last Bulgarian tsar Ivan Vladislav, was proedros and dux, probably fighting the Turkish invaders in Eastern Anatolia during the difficult years in the 1070s.



在安纳托利亚中东部的约兹加特博物馆中,存储了四个公元11世纪的拜占庭贵族印章,它们全都可能来自安纳托利亚中部。Basileios Trichinopodes是十一世纪中叶在Cilicia的Anazarbus的hypatos和strategos,Katakalon是同一世纪第三季度在Cappadocia的Larissa的hypatos和strategos,一个民间贵族,可能被称为Pirmanes,是protospatharios和chartoularios十世纪下半叶或十一世纪初的Bucellarian主题,以及最后一位保加利亚沙皇伊凡·弗拉迪斯拉夫的孙子塞缪尔·阿卢西亚诺斯(Samuel Alousianos)是前卫人士和傻瓜,可能是在1070年代的艰难岁月中与安那托利亚东部的土耳其入侵者作战。