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Unwanted Attention: Swiss Multinationals and the Creation of International Corporate Guidelines in the 1970s
Business and Politics ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-02 , DOI: 10.1017/bap.2020.10
Sabine Pitteloud

During the last decade, we have seen an increased opposition to globalization. Within this wave of criticism, firms and more specifically multinational corporations have been major targets, accused of multiple wrongdoings, such as social dumping, fiscal evasion, job cuts, trade deficits, abuses of power, and environmental damages. In many respects, this debate echoes the one that took place during the 1970s with respect to oil shocks, de-industrialization, and imperialism. At that time, several international organizations, such as the OECD, ECOSOC, ILO, and the European Community started to address the issue of multinationals and international investments, and advocated for the creation of guidelines to regulate their activities. The following paper explores the reactions of Swiss multinationals to these attempts, as well as their strategies for protecting their latitude in conducting business. Relying on archival material of the Swiss Union of Commerce and Industry and of the Federal Archives, this paper shows how the biggest companies in the pharmaceutical, machine, and food processing industries—all of them still being global players —decided to create a task force to deal with these emerging regulations at the international level.


不受欢迎的关注:瑞士跨国公司和 1970 年代国际公司准则的创建

在过去十年中,我们看到反对全球化的声音越来越大。在这波批评浪潮中,公司,更具体地说是跨国公司成为主要目标,被指控犯有多种不法行为,例如社会倾销、逃税、裁员、贸易逆差、滥用权力和破坏环境。在许多方面,这场辩论与 1970 年代发生的关于石油冲击、去工业化和帝国主义的辩论相呼应。当时,经合组织、经社理事会、国际劳工组织和欧共体等多个国际组织开始着手解决跨国公司和国际投资问题,并主张制定指导方针来规范其活动。以下论文探讨了瑞士跨国公司对这些尝试的反应,以及他们保护自己开展业务的自由的策略。依靠瑞士工商联盟和联邦档案馆的档案材料,本文展示了制药、机械和食品加工行业的最大公司——它们都是全球参与者——如何决定建立一个工作组在国际层面应对这些新兴法规。