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El santo rey don Fernando (Segunda parte) by Pedro Calderón de la Barca
Bulletin of the Comediantes Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/boc.2017.0028
Roy Norton

El santo rEy don FErnando WAS CoMPoSED By CALDERóN in two parts, both of them first staged at madrid’s corpus christi celebrations in 1671, the year that began with the canonization of King Ferdinand III of castile and Leon. His life provides the primary inspiration for the action of this pair of autos. the primera parte, edited jointly by ignacio arellano, J. manuel Escudero, and M. Carmen Pinillos, was published in 1999 as volume 27 of the “autos sacramentales completos” series. it is surely a cause for celebration that, seventeen years on, the segunda parte is at last available, as volume 93 of this important collection that has earned a sterling reputation on the bases of both the accuracy and clarity of the dramatic texts it offers and the utility and meticulous preparation of the accompanying apparatus and introductory studies. this edition, by carmen Pinillos alone this time, succeeds in maintaining these high standards of scholarship, and her experience as an editor of calderón’s sacramental dramas shines through. the segunda parte dramatizes, as one might expect, episodes from the latter part of the life of Fernando el santo. the action can be divided into three blocks of unequal length. the first and the longest concerns the conquest of Seville from the Moors (vv. 1–1499). The second has as its focus the miraculous crafting by two angels of the Virgen de los Reyes statue (vv. 1500–2019). And in the third block the king’s exemplary death is enacted (vv. 2020–244). Fernando dies dressed humbly as a Third Order Franciscan, showing penitence and having recently received the viaticum. With this final plot detail, calderón ensures that this auto historial alegórico ends with an unmissable nod to the eucharistic sacrament, which, according to Parker (famously), constitutes the exclusive theme of the autos. in other respects the segunda parte of El santo rey does not strongly resemble the quintessential calderonian auto. notwithstanding either the allegorical presentation of the king as a typus Christi or the abstract unifying thread provided by the motif of the theological virtue of hope, compared to many a calderón auto, the action feels relatively literal and representational. indeed, it bears a noticeable resemblance to the period’s comedias de santos, a matter to which pedro Calderón de la Barca. El santo rey don Fernando (Segunda parte). editado por Carmen pinillos.


El santo rey don Fernando (Segunda parte) by Pedro Calderón de la Barca

El santo rEy don Fernando 由 CALDERóN 组成,分为两部分,两部分均于 1671 年首次在马德里的 corpus christi 庆祝活动上演,这一年开始于卡斯蒂利亚和莱昂国王费迪南德三世的封圣。他的生活为这对汽车的行动提供了主要灵感。由ignacio arellano、J. manuel Escudero 和M. Carmen Pinillos 联合编辑的primera parte 于1999 年作为“autos sacramentales completos”系列的第27 卷出版。值得庆祝的是,十七年过去了,第二部分终于面世了,因为这个重要收藏的第 93 卷因其提供的戏剧文本的准确性和清晰度而赢得了良好的声誉。随附仪器和介绍性研究的实用性和精心准备。这一版,这次仅由卡门·皮尼洛斯 (carmen Pinillos) 创作,她成功地保持了这些高水平的学术水平,她作为 calderón 圣事剧编辑的经验也大放异彩。正如人们所料,第二部分戏剧化了费尔南多·埃尔桑托 (Fernando el santo) 生活后期的情节。动作可以分为三个不等长的块。第一个也是最长的一个是关于从摩尔人征服塞维利亚(1-1499 节)。第二个重点是圣女德洛斯雷耶斯雕像(Vv. 1500-2019)的两个天使的奇迹般的制作。在第三个区块中,国王的模范死亡被颁布(第 2020-244 节)。费尔南多去世时穿着谦逊的三阶方济各会士,表现出忏悔并最近收到了viaticum。有了这个最终的情节细节,calderón 确保这部汽车历史 alegórico 以对圣体圣事不可错过的点头结束,据帕克(著名的)说,它构成了汽车的专属主题。在其他方面,El santo rey 的 segunda parte 与典型的 calderonian auto 不太相似。尽管将国王比喻成 typus Christi 或由希望的神学美德主题提供的抽象统一线索,与许多 calderón auto 相比,这个动作感觉相对文字和代表性。确实,它与那个时期的喜剧片 de santos 有着明显的相似之处,佩德罗·卡尔德龙·德拉巴萨 (pedro Calderón de la Barca) 对此有着相似之处。El santo rey don Fernando (Segunda parte)。由 Carmen pinillos 编辑。构成了汽车的专属主题。在其他方面,El santo rey 的 segunda parte 与典型的 calderonian auto 不太相似。尽管将国王比喻成 typus Christi 或由希望的神学美德主题提供的抽象统一线索,与许多 calderón auto 相比,这个动作感觉相对文字和代表性。确实,它与那个时期的喜剧片 de santos 有着明显的相似之处,佩德罗·卡尔德龙·德拉巴萨 (pedro Calderón de la Barca) 对此有着相似之处。El santo rey don Fernando (Segunda parte)。由 Carmen pinillos 编辑。构成了汽车的专属主题。在其他方面,El santo rey 的 segunda parte 与典型的 calderonian auto 不太相似。尽管将国王比喻为 typus Christi 或由希望的神学美德主题提供的抽象统一线索,与许多 calderón auto 相比,这个动作感觉相对文字和代表性。确实,它与那个时期的喜剧片 de santos 有着明显的相似之处,佩德罗·卡尔德龙·德拉巴萨 (pedro Calderón de la Barca) 对此有着相似之处。El santo rey don Fernando (Segunda parte)。由 Carmen pinillos 编辑。尽管将国王比喻成 typus Christi 或由希望的神学美德主题提供的抽象统一线索,与许多 calderón auto 相比,这个动作感觉相对文字和代表性。确实,它与那个时期的喜剧片 de santos 有着明显的相似之处,佩德罗·卡尔德龙·德拉巴萨 (pedro Calderón de la Barca) 对此有着相似之处。El santo rey don Fernando (Segunda parte)。由 Carmen pinillos 编辑。尽管将国王比喻成 typus Christi 或由希望的神学美德主题提供的抽象统一线索,与许多 calderón auto 相比,这个动作感觉相对文字和代表性。确实,它与那个时期的喜剧片 de santos 有着明显的相似之处,佩德罗·卡尔德龙·德拉巴萨 (pedro Calderón de la Barca) 对此有着相似之处。El santo rey don Fernando (Segunda parte)。由 Carmen pinillos 编辑。