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Women and Servants by Lope deVega
Bulletin of the Comediantes Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/boc.2017.0017
Edward Mclean Test

Lope deVega. Women and Servants. Translated by Barbara Fuchs. JUAN DE LA CUESTA, 2016. 111 pp.BARBARA FUCHS BRINGS INTO ENGLISH the first translation of Lope de Vega's recently rediscovered Mujeres y Criados (Women and Servants). The first modern Spanish edition of the play (Editorial Gredos, S.A., 2014), thoroughly edited by Syracuse professor Alejandro Garcia-Reidy, adds yet another fine comedy to the copious dramatic works of the Fenix de los Ingenios. The comedy (circa 1613-14) exhibits Lope de Vega's mature metrical style and a well-choreographed interplay of multiple plots. This urban comedy subverts the expected social norms of seventeenth-century Madrid and gives women and servants the wherewithal to dupe nobles and fulfill their amorous desires.The plot revolves around three love triangles. The primary triangle involves Count Prospero and his secretary Teodoro, who are both in love with a local woman, Luciana. Immediately in Act I, the subversive tone begins as Prospero becomes suspicious that his lower class valet, Claridan, is also in love with Luciana. He is tentatively relieved when he discovers that Claridan is actually in love with Luciana's sister, Violante. Prospero is quickly disappointed, however, when he learns that his secretary, Teodoro, is indeed in love with Luciana. Meanwhile Florencio, father of Luciana and Violante, schemes to have another noble, Don Pedro, marry Violante, thus setting in motion two triangles of competing love interests (the third love triangle is a sub-plot of two footmen and a servant woman). Secretive meetings between lovers occur during the required 'medicinal' walks in the park after drinking agua de acero ("steel water"), a curative for women who became too pale from lovesickness or self-induced anemia. The women, to the contrary, are not weak or sick and wield their "steel" with more efficacy than the men wield their steel swords.In act 2, love interests collide in Florencio's house. Prospero attempts to sideline Teodoro by sending him out of town for six months, but Luciana (again) intervenes to keep her desired lover close by. Luciana pleads with Prospero to assist a young man hiding in her father's house who needs to lay low after stabbing a gallant during a quarrel. Delighted, Count Prospero now has a reason to visit Luciana frequently. The hiding man, falsely named as another Don Pedro, is actually Luciana's desired Teodoro. Great confusion (and wonderful dramatic irony) ensues in a spectacular scene when the real Don Pedro arrives. Count Prospero believes he has finally met the young gallant hiding in the house, and when he asks about wounds from a quarrel, Don Pedro assumes he is speaking about the wounds of love he feels for Violante. The exchange is hilarious, and the translation does not miss a beat.Act 3 opens with the real Don Pedro's father, Emiliano, berating his son for getting violent in a quarrel, which Don Pedro denies (of course, since Luciana dreamed up the quarrel). Emiliano then visits Count Prospero to thank him for helping hide his son and asks for help marrying him off to Violante. The Count readily obliges since it will once again bring him closer to Luciana, and promptly visits Florencio to ask that Don Pedro and Violante marry that evening. Florencio is happy with the arrangement, but everything is undermined when the truth comes out. The real Don Pedro arrives thinking he is a groom, only to discover that another "Don Pedro" is hiding in the house, Teodoro. …


Lope deVega 的女人和仆人

洛佩·德·维加。妇女和仆人。由芭芭拉·福克斯 (Barbara Fuchs) 翻译。JUAN DE LA CUESTA,2016 年,111 页,BARBARA FUCHS 将 Lope de Vega 最近重新发现的 Mujeres y Criados(女人和仆人)的第一个译本引入英语。该剧的第一个现代西班牙语版本(Editorial Gredos, SA, 2014)由雪城大学教授亚历杭德罗·加西亚-雷迪彻底编辑,为 Fenix de los Ingenios 的大量戏剧作品增添了另一部精美的喜剧。这部喜剧(大约 1613-14 年)展现了洛佩·德·维加 (Lope de Vega) 成熟的格律风格和精心编排的多个情节的相互作用。这部都市喜剧颠覆了 17 世纪马德里预期的社会规范,为女性和仆人提供了欺骗贵族和满足他们多情的必要条件。主要的三角关系涉及普罗斯佩罗伯爵和他的秘书特奥多罗,他们都爱上了当地的女人卢西亚娜。在第一幕中,颠覆性的语气开始了,因为普洛斯彼罗开始怀疑他的下层贴身男仆克拉里丹也爱上了露西亚娜。当他发现克拉里丹实际上爱上了露西亚娜的妹妹维奥兰特时,他暂时松了口气。然而,当 Prospero 得知他的秘书 Teodoro 确实爱上了 Luciana 时,他很快就失望了。与此同时,卢西亚娜和维奥兰特的父亲弗洛伦西奥计划让另一位贵族唐佩德罗嫁给维奥兰特,从而引发了两个相互竞争的爱情三角(第三个三角恋是两个男仆和一个女仆的子情节)。恋人之间的秘密会议发生在所需的“药”期间 喝了 agua de acero(“钢水”)后在公园散步,这是一种治疗因相思病或自发性贫血而脸色苍白的女性的药物。相反,女人并不虚弱或生病,挥舞着“钢”比男人挥舞钢剑更有效率。在第二幕中,爱情在弗洛伦西奥的房子里发生了冲突。普洛斯彼罗试图将特奥多罗送出城六个月​​,以让他退出小镇,但露西亚娜(再次)出面干预,让她心仪的情人就在身边。Luciana 恳求 Prospero 帮助一个躲在她父亲家中的年轻人,他在争吵中刺伤了一个勇敢的人后需要保持低调。很高兴,普洛斯彼罗伯爵现在有理由经常访问卢西亚纳。隐藏的人,被误称为另一个唐佩德罗,实际上是露西亚娜想要的特奥多罗。当真正的唐佩德罗到来时,壮观的场景引发了巨大的混乱(以及美妙的戏剧性讽刺)。普罗斯佩罗伯爵相信他终于见到了躲在房子里的年轻英勇,当他问起争吵造成的伤口时,唐佩德罗认为他是在谈论他对维奥兰特的爱的伤口。交流很有趣,翻译也不错。第 3 幕开始,真正的唐佩德罗的父亲埃米利亚诺斥责他的儿子在争吵中变得暴力,唐佩德罗否认了这一点(当然,因为卢西亚娜梦到了争吵)。埃米利亚诺随后拜访了普罗斯佩罗伯爵,感谢他帮助藏匿儿子,并请求帮助将他嫁给维奥兰特。伯爵欣然答应,因为这将使他再次接近卢西亚娜,并立即拜访弗洛伦西奥,要求当晚唐佩德罗和维奥兰特结婚。弗洛伦西奥对这样的安排很满意,但当真相大白时,一切都被破坏了。真正的唐佩德罗到达时以为他是新郎,却发现另一个“唐佩德罗”藏在房子里,特奥多罗。...