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Die Entstehung des Gleichnisses vom reichen Kornbauern (Lk 12,13–21)
Biblische Zeitschrift ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-29 , DOI: 10.30965/25890468-06202007
Nils Neumann 1

The Lukan parable of the Rich Fool (Lk 12,13–21) substantially bears the signature of the third gospel’s author. Luke takes fundamental motifs from Jesus’ speech about worrying, which is available to him in written form (Lk 12,22–34; cf. Mt 6,19–33). The parable’s narrative structure on the other hand stems from the Menippean branch of Cynic Philosophy, where several variations of it are documented. By combining these elements the writer compiles a new parable, also adding characteristic features of his own narrative style. Thus, the paragraph Lk 12,13–21 is clearly an example of its author’s literary creativity.


Die Entstehung des Gleichnisses vom reichen Kornbauern (Lk 12,13–21)

富愚人的卢坎寓言(路加福音 12,13-21)实质上带有第三卷福音书作者的签名。路加从耶稣关于忧虑的演讲中汲取了基本主题,他可以以书面形式获得这些内容(路加福音 12,22-34;参看太 6,19-33)。另一方面,寓言的叙事结构源于犬儒哲学的梅尼普分支,其中记录了它的几种变体。通过结合这些元素,作者编撰了一个新的寓言,也加入了他自己的叙事风格的特征。因此,路 12,13-21 段显然是其作者文学创造力的一个例子。