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Fashioning the Passion: The Poor Clares and the Clothing of Christ
Art History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-23 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-8365.12260
Holly Flora

The only fully illustrated manuscript of the "Meditations on the Life of Christ" to survive from trecento Italy, Oxford Corpus Christi MS 410 features an unusual presentation of the dressing and undressing of Christ, one that both mirrors and resists its accompanying text. This study offers a reading of the motif of Christ's clothing in MS410 that suggests several interpretative and experiential possibilities for a Clarissan reader. It argues that the themes of Franciscan poverty, Eucharistic devotion, and bridal mysticism -all germane to Clarissan spirituality- find expression within the discourse on the robing and disrobing of Christ in the manuscript. The primary provider of Christ's clothing throughout his life, Mary becomes a surprisingly powerful, even priestly agent within the Passion cycle, as well as a performative model for a Poor Clare devotee.



牛津科珀斯克里斯蒂 MS 410 是唯一一份完整插图的“基督生平沉思录”手稿,它以不寻常的方式展示了基督的穿衣和脱衣,既反映了其随附的文字,也抵制了其随附的文字。本研究提供了对 MS410 中基督服装主题的解读,为 Clarissan 读者提供了几种解释性和体验性的可能性。它认为方济各会的贫困、圣体奉献和新娘神秘主义的主题——所有这些都与克拉丽森的灵性密切相关——在手稿中关于基督的长袍和脱衣的话语中得到了表达。作为基督一生服装的主要供应者,玛丽在受难周期中成为了一个令人惊讶的强大,甚至是祭司代理人,