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‘Between these Two Kingdoms’: Exile, Election, and Godly Law in Sebald Beham's Moses and Aaron
Art History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-03-20 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-8365.12307
Mitchell B. Merback

Sebald Beham’s small engraving, “Moses and Aaron”, is a study in ambiguity, an allusive portrayal that enfolds contrary interpretations: are these Old Testament heroes, prophets touched by the Holy Spirit, or caricatured ‘Jewish’ representatives of the Old Convenant? Dated 1526, it appeared in the same year as Luther’s sermon, “Eine Unterrichtung, wie sich die Christen in Mose sollen schicken” (How Christians Should Regard Moses). Couched as a pastoral argument against the belief that Mosaic law was binding on Christians, Luther’s sermon also takes polemical aim at his evangelical rivals, the ‘enthusiasts’ (Schwarmer) who, he claimed, sought to supplant the Gospel with the Law of Moses. In the process Luther gave further articulation to his so-called Two Kingdoms doctrine. This essay proposes a reading of Beham’s engraving as a subversive, but politically muted, response to Luther’s denunciations, a counter-critique that also reflected Beham’s own experiences as a religious exile after 1525.


“在这两个王国之间”:Sebald Beham 的摩西和亚伦中的流放、选举和神圣的法律

Sebald Beham 的小版画“摩西和亚伦”是对模棱两可的研究,是包含相反解释的暗示性写照:这些旧约英雄、被圣灵感动的先知,还是旧约的漫画“犹太人”代表?日期为 1526 年,它与路德的布道“Eine Unterrichtung, wie sich die Christen in Mose sollen schicken”(基督徒如何看待摩西)同年出现。作为反对摩西律法对基督徒具有约束力的信念的田园论据,路德的布道也针对他的福音派竞争对手,即“狂热者”(施瓦默),他声称他们试图用摩西律法取代福音。在这个过程中,路德进一步阐明了他所谓的“两个王国”的教义。这篇文章建议将 Beham 的版画解读为颠覆性的,