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Using Explicit and Systematic Instruction to Support Working Memory
TEACHING Exceptional Children ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2016-07-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0040059916650633
Jean Louise M. Smith , Leilani Sáez , Christian T. Doabler

T EA C H IN G E xc ep ti on al C hi ld re n , V ol . 48 , N o. 6 , pp . 27 5 – 28 1. C op yr ig ht 2 01 6 T he A ut ho r( s) . D O I: 1 0. 11 77 /0 04 00 59 91 66 50 63 3 Charlotte is a third grader at Evergreen Elementary who has working-memory difficulties that interfere with her learning beyond those challenges associated with her reading disability. These difficulties, although present every day, are almost unnoticeable as a persistent learning need that requires additional teacher support. Yet, Charlotte’s difficulty processing multiple pieces of information at the same time impedes her ability to effectively engage, attend, and make important connections required for advancing her learning. Ms. Oratio, the special education teacher at Evergreen, has been noticing that Charlotte has difficulty following multistep directions, even when she appears to pay attention and understand the task. For example, by the time Charlotte gets to the second step of a mathematics word problem, she has forgotten what to do next. Although Charlotte seems to be trying her best, Ms. Oratio frequently needs to redirect Charlotte to get “back on track” during independent seatwork because she has a tendency to be off task while others are fully engaged. Ms. Oratio has also noticed that Charlotte needs extra time and greater support than her peers to make connections with what she has previously learned; without it, important relationships among concepts don’t seem to “stick” and Charlotte gets easily confused. Because Charlotte is unable to effectively self-regulate all that her brain simultaneously processes, her working-memory difficulties pose a particular threat to her academic success.



TEA CH IN GE xcep ti on al Child ren, Vol. 48 号 6,页。27 5 – 28 1. 版权 2 01 6 A ut hor(s) 。DOI: 1 0. 11 77 /0 04 00 59 91 66 50 63 3 Charlotte 是 Evergreen 小学的三年级学生,除了与阅读障碍相关的挑战之外,她还有工作记忆障碍,影响了她的学习。这些困难虽然每天都存在,但作为一种需要额外教师支持的持续学习需求,几乎不会引起注意。然而,Charlotte 难以同时处理多条信息,这阻碍了她有效参与、参与和建立促进学习所需的重要联系的能力。Evergreen 的特殊教育老师 Oratio 女士一直注意到 Charlotte 难以遵循多步指导,即使她看起来很注意并理解任务。例如,当夏洛特进入数学单词问题的第二步时,她已经忘记了下一步该做什么。尽管 Charlotte 似乎正在尽力而为,但 Oratio 女士经常需要重新引导 Charlotte,以便在独立的座位工作期间“回到正轨”,因为她倾向于在其他人全神贯注的情况下完成任务。Oratio 女士还注意到,Charlotte 需要比她的同龄人更多的时间和更多的支持来与她之前学到的知识建立联系;没有它,概念之间的重要关系似乎不会“粘连”,夏洛特很容易混淆。由于夏洛特无法有效地自我调节她的大脑同时处理的所有内容,她的工作记忆困难对她的学业成功构成了特别的威胁。