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Building Self-Determination Through Inclusive Extracurricular Programs
TEACHING Exceptional Children ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2016-05-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0040059915626127
Erin Vinoski , Emily Graybill , Andrew Roach

T EA C H IN G E xc ep ti on al C hi ld re n , V ol . 48 , N o. 5 , pp . 25 8 – 26 5. C op yr ig ht 2 01 6 T he A ut ho r( s) . D O I: 1 0. 11 77 /0 04 00 59 91 56 26 12 7 Extracurricular activities provide students a range of rich experiences that influence their academic achievement, leadership and communication skills, and career paths. Students with disabilities (SWDs) historically have had limited access to extracurricular programs and thus fewer opportunities for academic, social, and vocational development. Educators and administrators need to understand the importance of inclusive extracurricular activities and also how to successfully implement these programs. The theory of selfdetermination can help guide the development and implementation of inclusive extracurricular activities. What are proven ways to establish, implement, troubleshoot, and sustain inclusive clubs at the middle and high school levels?



TEA CH IN GE xcep ti on al Child ren, Vol. 48 号 5,页。25 8 – 26 5. 版权 2 01 6 A ut hor(s) 。DOI: 1 0. 11 77 /0 04 00 59 91 56 26 12 7 课外活动为学生提供了一系列丰富的经验,影响他们的学业成就、领导力和沟通技巧以及职业道路。从历史上看,残疾学生 (SWD) 获得课外课程的机会有限,因此获得学术、社会和职业发展的机会较少。教育工作者和管理人员需要了解包容性课外活动的重要性以及如何成功实施这些计划。自决理论可以帮助指导包容性课外活动的发展和实施。什么是经过验证的方法来建立、实施、排除故障、