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Special Issue on Behavior Analysis in Education
TEACHING Exceptional Children ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-26 , DOI: 10.1177/0040059918776161
Robert Pennington

T EA C H IN G E xc ep ti on al C hi ld re n , V ol . 50 , N o. 6 , pp . 31 9 – 32 0. C op yr ig ht 2 01 8 T he A ut ho r( s) . D O I: 1 0. 11 77 /0 04 00 59 91 87 76 16 1 Applied behavior analysis (ABA) refers to the systematic application of behavioral principles and procedures to improve socially significant and personally relevant outcomes for individuals and groups of individuals (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007). Early pioneers in the field of psychology harnessed the potential of newly minted principles derived from a rapidly expanding science of behavior to teach new skills to children with disabilities (Ferster & DeMyer, 1961; Ferster, Wolf, Risley, & Mees, 1964). Their work resulted in the iterative development and evaluation of methods for the instruction of a range of skills and for reducing challenging behavior. This behavioral approach to education quickly found its way into public schools and has since become inextricably woven in to the fabric of special education. ABA rests at the core of some of the field of special education’s most established practices and approaches. For example, Touchette (1971) published, in the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, the first account of using a time delay procedure in teaching discrete responses to individuals with intellectual disability. Since Touchette’s seminal publication, time delay and its iterations (e.g., progressive time delay, constant time delay, simultaneous prompting) have become staple of interventionists in the fields of special education, speech-language pathology, and early intervention. Behavioranalytic principles (e.g., positive reinforcement, stimulus control) have served as the foundation for many evidence-based instructional practices in special education, including but not limited to task analysis, chaining, response prompting (e.g., time delay, least most prompting), active student responding strategies (e.g., choral responding, response cards), the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), and instructive feedback. Similarly, behavioral research has served to guide the assessment and treatment of challenging behavior in special education. The process of functional behavioral assessment, whereby practitioners are asked to identify the reinforcers that maintain a student’s problem behavior, was developed and has been continually refined across hundreds of investigations. Further, this approach to understanding “why” behavior happens has resulted in the development of a range of functionbased interventions (e.g., functional communication training, differential reinforcement, self-management) that teach students effective and socially acceptable means of exerting self-determination. Despite its pervasive impact on the provision of services to students with disabilities, educators may still be unfamiliar with ABA and its great potential for improving the lives of the students in their classroom. Further, some education professionals may hold negative views of behavioral approaches to education as contrived, complex, and sometimes controversial. The purpose of this special issue on ABA is to share with educators several powerful and feasible practices from the behavioral research literature and to recast misperceptions related to the accessibility of ABA by special education professionals.



TEA CH IN GE xcep ti on al Child ren, Vol. 50 号 6,页。31 9 – 32 0. 版权 2 01 8 A ut hor(s) 。DOI:1 0. 11 77 /0 04 00 59 91 87 76 16 1 应用行为分析 (ABA) 是指系统地应用行为原则和程序,以改善个人和个人群体的社会意义和个人相关结果(Cooper,赫伦和赫沃德,2007 年)。心理学领域的早期先驱利用源自快速发展的行为科学的新原理的潜力,向残疾儿童教授新技能(Ferster & DeMyer,1961;Ferster、Wolf、Risley 和 Mees,1964)。他们的工作导致了一系列技能教学和减少挑战性行为的方法的迭代开发和评估。这种行为教育方法很快就进入了公立学校,并与特殊教育的结构密不可分。ABA 是特殊教育领域一些最成熟的实践和方法的核心。例如,Touchette (1971) 在《行为实验分析杂志》上发表了第一个使用时间延迟程序来教授智障人士离散反应的报道。自从 Touchette 的开创性出版以来,时间延迟及其迭代(例如,渐进时间延迟、恒定时间延迟、同时提示)已成为特殊教育、语言病理学和早期干预领域的干预专家的主要内容。行为分析原则(例如,积极强化、刺激控制)已成为特殊教育中许多循证教学实践的基础,包括但不限于任务分析、链接、反应提示(例如,时间延迟、最少提示)、积极的学生反应策略(例如合唱响应、响应卡)、图片交换通信系统 (PECS) 和指导性反馈。同样,行为研究有助于指导特殊教育中挑战性行为的评估和处理。功能行为评估的过程,要求从业者识别维持学生问题行为的强化物,已经开发并在数百项调查中不断完善。更多,这种理解行为“为什么”发生的方法导致了一系列基于功能的干预措施(例如,功能性沟通训练、差异强化、自我管理)的发展,这些干预措施教给学生有效和社会可接受的自我决定方式。尽管 ABA 对为残疾学生提供服务具有普遍影响,但教育工作者可能仍然不熟悉 ABA 及其在改善课堂学生生活方面的巨大潜力。此外,一些教育专业人士可能认为教育的行为方法是人为的、复杂的,有时是有争议的。