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Grabar la alteridad: Transferencias y mediaciones técnicas en la antropología mexicana
Studies in Latin American Popular Culture ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-01 , DOI: 10.7560/slapc3708
Regina Lira

Abstract:Based on historical documents, press, museum collections, and academic publications, the early introduction of the phonograph in Mexico and its late incorporation into anthropology is the starting point to reconstruct the Mexican and American network cobuilt by this technology and the symmetrical and asymmetrical relational modes it helped reproduce and extend that built their respective social-science programs. We will address the question of why a technology is successful in one place and a failure in another through the reconstruction of the early attempts of the phonograph's transference to Mexico during the last decades of the nineteenth century and the process of its stabilization in Mexican anthropology until the 1940s. Based on Latour's technical mediation approach, the agentive role of this technological object renders visible the internal conflicts and intellectual traditions that assigned a specific role to Amerindian societies in Mexican anthropology, thus confronting the universal ambitions of the scientific program designed by the agents engaged in the process.



摘要:根据历史文献,新闻,博物馆收藏和学术出版物,留声机在墨西哥的早期引入及其在人类学中的晚期应用是重构利用该技术以及对称和非对称共同建立的墨西哥和美国网络的起点关系模式有助于复制和扩展建立各自的社会科学计划。我们将通过重建19世纪最后几十年留声机转移到墨西哥的早期尝试及其在墨西哥人类学中稳定下来的过程,来解决为什么一项技术在某个地方成功而另一项失败的问题。 1940年代。基于拉图尔的技术调解方法,