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Southern Cultures ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/scu.2017.0009
Adrian Blevins

Though naturally I love them they are a monstrosity, acute and unruly, already pigheaded on the way from the airport to come and infect me with what kind of mayonnaise is better than Hellmann’s and which of us got the new bike versus who crashed the old and who’s drinking too much versus who ought to get the special WeightWatchers brownies and who isn’t on that plan but really should be and whose kid is in what university versus whose kid is in which other. Yes I love them but they talk too much about nothing because they are after pulling me out of the stillness I came up North for because in their opinion I’ve always been too faraway starting in the ’70s like an anonymous planet up in my room while they all sat around downstairs vehement on the topic of everything I was missing because after all it was just the hearth— just the kids pouring juice and telling jokes while the scant one upstairs plotted some wraithlike escape like could she become some kind of particle? Could she float out to sea maybe on a raft of splintered pillars? This is part of the story of my people who won’t say much but rigorously chatter about global warming and formaldehyde and cancer and Hemingway and Peter Jennings and Bush who we despise because he is a killer. My people are not killers—they are romantics— they like to sit around on porches and tell false stories because lies are more agreeable than me eyeing them haughtily and saying as a matter of fact, though I’m forced to do it because we’re almost out of time, O my highhilled, prattling sweethearts—O my brothers and sisters of hoodwink and swindle and fiddle and twaddle and drivel and hokum and tripe.



是的,我爱他们,但他们无话可说,因为他们把我从我来到北方的寂静中拉出来,因为在他们看来,从 70 年代开始,我一直太遥远,就像我房间里的一个匿名星球当他们都坐在楼下激烈地讨论我所缺少的一切的话题时,因为毕竟只是壁炉——只是孩子们倒果汁和讲笑话,而楼上的少数人则策划了一些幽灵般的逃跑,就像她能成为某种粒子一样吗?她能漂浮在海面上吗,也许是在一堆支离破碎的柱子上?这是我的人的故事的一部分,他们不会说太多,但会严格谈论全球变暖、甲醛和癌症,以及我们鄙视的海明威、彼得詹宁斯和布什,因为他是杀手。