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Notes Toward an Essay on Imagining Thomas Jefferson Watching a Performance of the Musical Hamilton
Southern Cultures Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/scu.2019.0014
Randall Kenan

Abstract:Originally given as a speech on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill at a festival in remembrance of Thomas Wolfe, this essay explores the relationship of African American southerners to the idea of what is “southern.” It looks at the place of Thomas Jefferson at the origins of the notion of “southern” and uses the recent, award-winning play Hamilton to confront the idea of race and the southern construct.



摘要:本文最初是在纪念托马斯·沃尔夫 (Thomas Wolfe) 的节日期间在北卡罗来纳大学教堂山校园发表的演讲,探讨了非洲裔美国南方人与“南方”概念的关系。它着眼于托马斯·杰斐逊 (Thomas Jefferson) 在“南方”概念的起源方面的地位,并使用最近屡获殊荣的戏剧《汉密尔顿》(Hamilton) 来对抗种族和南方构造的概念。