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Silent Ballad: Time Sings in the Cumberland Plateau
Southern Cultures ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/scu.2017.0042
Rachel Boillot

Reflective, mysterious moments of pause punctuate portraits of musicians and artists in the Cumberland Plateau, highlighting the vacuum of time and space that separates these songs as they ring out in a rural, mountainous landscape. Old Time music traditions, faith, storytelling, and mortality all inform this portrait of place. These photographs were made along the serpentine mountain roads between Signal Mountain and Cumberland Gap, tracing the Cumberland Trail corridor in East Tennessee. They detail my own exploration of the region as I listened to its sounds and considered how they might translate to visual imagery. This journey began with a fellowship to work with the esteemed Bob Fulcher, who wears the hats of park ranger, folklorist, naturalist, and Old Time music specialist. After one summer working with Bobby as assistant producer at Sandrock Recordings, a field recordings project of the Cumberland Trail, I simply could not leave. I found these tunes infectious and became enamored with the region. I’m still out somewhere on one of those roads—and I’m still listening.



坎伯兰高原的音乐家和艺术家的肖像画中出现反射性、神秘的停顿时刻,突显了这些歌曲在乡村山区响起时分隔开的时间和空间的真空。旧时代的音乐传统、信仰、讲故事和死亡都为这幅地方画像提供了信息。这些照片是沿着 Signal Mountain 和 Cumberland Gap 之间蜿蜒的山路拍摄的,沿着田纳西州东部的 Cumberland Trail 走廊拍摄。当我聆听它的声音并考虑如何将它们转化为视觉图像时,他们详细介绍了我对该地区的探索。这段旅程始于与受人尊敬的鲍勃·富尔彻 (Bob Fulcher) 合作的奖学金,他身兼公园护林员、民俗学家、博物学家和旧时代音乐专家的帽子。在与 Bobby 一起在 Sandrock Recordings(坎伯兰小径的现场录音项目)担任助理制作人一个夏天后,我简直无法离开。我发现这些曲调很有感染力,并迷上了这个地区。我仍然在其中一条道路上的某个地方 - 我仍在倾听。