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Korean Protestantism in the Age of “Surplus of Positivity: ”: A Socio-cultural Analysis of Church Defaults in South Korea*
Seoul Journal of Korean Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/seo.2017.0010
Yong Un Choe

Abstract: In this paper the author not only analyzes the considerable number of Korean Protestant churches that are in default, but also attempts to apply the theoretical framework of Han Byung-Chul’s cultural criticism to the status quo situation of Korean Protestantism. Regarding the extent of the church defaults, one notices diverse factors impacting the situation, including a growth-oriented attitude among many senior pastors as well as other church leaders, moral hazards related to financial deals and the socio-cultural components of Korean Protestantism (such as excessive competition between denominations), a preference for bigger churches, the culture of ch’emyŏn (face), and church privatization. According to Han, the twenty-first century is an era of neurosis, wherein surplus positivity prompts a series of tendencies such as self-exploitation and depression. The Korean people have been over-worked and over-stressed, and both these factors have contributed to the nation’s suicide rate, which since 2003 has been the highest among the OECD member nations. The phenomenon of the “healing craze” (K. hilling yŏlp’ung) emerged under such conditions in Korea. Despite these factors, in many cases, emphasis is still placed on a growth-oriented strategy in Korean Protestantism, resulting in a burnout syndrome within congregations, which leads many believers to stop attending church (the so-called Kanaan sŏngdo, or Canaan congregation). Meanwhile, the “Small Church Movement” has recently been initiated by some Korean Christian leaders. This phenomenon can be interpreted as an attempt to re-consider the importance and role of small churches, and to emphasize spiritual maturity over numerical growth.



摘要:在本文中,作者不仅分析了相当多的韩国新教教会的违约情况,还尝试将韩秉哲的文化批评理论框架应用于韩国新教的现状。关于教会违约的程度,人们注意到影响情况的多种因素,包括许多主任牧师和其他教会领袖的成长导向态度、与金融交易相关的道德风险以及韩国新教的社会文化成分(例如作为教派之间的过度竞争),对更大教堂的偏好,chemyŏn(面子)文化和教堂私有化。韩寒说,二十一世纪是神经症的时代,其中过剩的积极性会引发一系列的倾向,例如自我剥削和抑郁。韩国人一直过度工作和压力过大,这两个因素都导致了该国的自杀率,自 2003 年以来,该国的自杀率一直是经合组织成员国中最高的。“治愈热”(K.hilling yŏlp'ung)现象就是在这种情况下在韩国出现的。尽管有这些因素,在许多情况下,韩国新教仍然强调以增长为导向的策略,导致会众内部出现倦怠综合症,导致许多信徒停止参加教堂(所谓的Kanaan sŏngdo,或迦南会众) . 与此同时,韩国一些基督教领袖最近发起了“小教会运动”。