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Relations between Ancient Korea and Turkey: An Examination of Contacts between Koguryŏ and the Turkic Khaganate
Seoul Journal of Korean Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/seo.2016.0017
Noh Tae-Don

Contacts between Koguryŏ and the Turkic Khaganate Exchanges between the inhabitants of the Korean peninsula and those of the nomadic states of the Mongol steppes began in the ancient period. A specific example of this is to be found in the contacts between the Xiongnu and Old Chosŏn in the second century BCE. One of the primary goals of the invasion in 108 BCE by Han China of Old Chosŏn was the blocking of a connection between the Xiongnu and Old Chosŏn. The Xiongnu remains discovered in the Sŏg’am-ri tomb near Pyongyang and in other places bear witness to the existence of interactions between the two states. Subsequently as well, there were sporadic contacts between Koguryŏ and branches of the Xiongnu people such as the Yuwenbu 宇文部.



高句丽与突厥汗国的接触 朝鲜半岛居民与蒙古草原游牧国家的居民之间的交流始于古代。这方面的一个具体例子可以在公元前 2 世纪匈奴与古朝鲜人的接触中找到。公元前 108 年汉族入侵旧朝鲜的主要目标之一是阻断匈奴与旧朝鲜之间的联系。在平壤附近的Sŏg'am-ri墓和其他地方发现的匈奴遗骸证明了两国之间存在互动。随后,高句丽与宇文部宇文部等匈奴支系也有零星接触。