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Reflections on the interplay between procedural, relational and socio-political ethics in ethnographic research with West-African women working in prostitution in Brussels
Qualitative Research Journal ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-25 , DOI: 10.1108/qrj-02-2020-0009
Sophie Samyn , Sarah Adeyinka , Sami Zemni , Ilse Derluyn

This study aims to explore and discuss the ethical challenges that the authors encountered in the SWIPSER project, a study about the well-being of West-African women who work in the red-light district in Brussels.,The study was commissioned by the municipality of Schaerbeek and executed by a Nigerian–Belgian research team. Data were collected using a multi-method qualitative approach, predominantly through ethnographic fieldwork that consisted of detailed observations, informal interviews (with 38 participants), complemented by document analysis and stakeholder interviews.,The study presents the main ethical dilemmas in four themes: (1) representing diversity, i.e. how do we get access to all members of a migrant community that is inherently hierarchical?; (2) in the margin, i.e. how can we conduct research with undocumented migrants and what do we do when faced with violence and injustice?; (3) attraction and repulsion, i.e. what ethical consequences are involved when working in a multi-ethnic research team?; and (4) unveiling secrets, i.e. which ethical challenges are we faced with when presenting the results of research on vulnerable migrant communities?,This study goes beyond procedural research ethics and highlights the specific relational ethics (related to the relation between research(er) and participant) and the socio-political ethics (related to the relation between the research(er) and the socio-political context) involved in qualitative research with female migrants who work in prostitution.



这项研究旨在探讨和讨论作者在SWIPSER项目中遇到的道德挑战,该项目是关于在布鲁塞尔红灯区工作的西非妇女福利的研究。 Schaerbeek的研究由尼日利亚-比利时研究小组执行。使用多方法定性方法收集数据,主要是通过人种学田野调查,包括详细的观察,非正式访谈(有38名参与者),文档分析和利益相关者访谈作为补充。该研究提出了四个主题的主要伦理困境:( 1)代表多样性,即我们如何获得本质上属于等级制的移民社区的所有成员?(2)在边缘,即 我们如何与无证移民进行研究?面对暴力和不公正待遇我们该怎么办?(3)吸引和排斥,即在多种族研究团队中工作会涉及哪些伦理后果?(4)揭露秘密,即在介绍弱势移民社区的研究结果时我们面临哪些伦理挑战?该研究超越了程序研究伦理,强调了特定的关系伦理(与研究之间的关系有关)。和参与者)以及与从事卖淫活动的女性移民进行定性研究的社会政治伦理(与研究人员和社会政治背景之间的关系有关)。在多民族研究团队中工作会涉及哪些道德后果?(4)揭露秘密,即在介绍弱势移民社区的研究结果时我们面临哪些伦理挑战?该研究超越了程序研究伦理,强调了特定的关系伦理(与研究之间的关系有关)。和参与者)以及与从事卖淫活动的女性移民进行定性研究的社会政治伦理(与研究人员和社会政治背景之间的关系有关)。在多民族研究团队中工作会涉及哪些道德后果?(4)揭露秘密,即在介绍弱势移民社区的研究结果时我们面临哪些伦理挑战?和参与者)以及与从事卖淫活动的女性移民进行定性研究的社会政治伦理(与研究人员和社会政治背景之间的关系有关)。