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Archilochus 222W and 39W: Allusion and Reception, Hesiod and Catullus
Philologus Pub Date : 2019-05-29 , DOI: 10.1515/phil-2018-0007
Shane Hawkins 1

Abstract This article is a contribution to our understanding of how Archilochean poetics may be situated in the longer poetic tradition. In examining two fragments that have received little attention, I hope to illustrate how Archilochus’ poetry both engaged with its predecessors and was in turn engaged by its successors. Fragment 222W employs a theme that was perhaps already conventional for Hesiod, in which the incompatibility of the sexes is implicated in the cycle of seasons, an idea that also seems relevant to Archilochus’ quarrel with the daughters of Lycambes. Light is shed on 39W by comparing it to later words for skinning that serve as metaphors for cheating someone, the best known example of which is found in Catullus. In the first fragment the text can be elucidated by a look to Archilochus’ forerunners, and in the second by looking to his heirs.


Archilochus 222W 和 39W:典故和接待,Hesiod 和 Catullus

摘要 本文有助于我们理解 Archilochean 诗学如何在较长的诗学传统中定位。在考察两个鲜为人知的片段时,我希望说明 Archilochus 的诗歌如何与其前辈互动,并反过来又受到其后继者的青睐。Fragment 222W 采用了一个可能已经为 Hesiod 传统的主题,其中性别不相容与季节循环有关,这一想法似乎也与 Archilochus 与 Lycambes 的女儿们的争吵有关。通过将 39W 与后来用作欺骗某人隐喻的剥皮词进行比较,39W 的光芒得以显现,最著名的例子是在卡图卢斯 (Catullus) 中找到的。在第一个片段中,可以通过查看 Archilochus 的先行者来阐明文本,