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Diachronic variability in prehistoric land use in Oregon’s Warner Valley
North American Archaeologist ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-05 , DOI: 10.1177/0197693116681926
Geoffrey M Smith 1 , Donald D Pattee 2 , Madeline Ware van der Voort 3

Pedestrian survey in northern Warner Valley, Oregon, has provided data capable of contributing to reconstructions of prehistoric land use. Such information is complementary to data generated by recent work at the stratified LSP-1 rockshelter situated in the Northern Warner Valley Study Area (NWVSA). Here, we present results of our survey and focus on when the area was visited, how it was used, and from where visitors to the area originated and/or obtained toolstone. Our results indicate that the NWVSA saw heavy use by Paleoindians before being largely abandoned during the Middle Holocene. During the Late Holocene, groups likely operating from residential bases further south in the better-watered parts of Warner Valley returned to the NWVSA. Compared to other nearby areas, the NWVSA was utilized less intensively during much of the Holocene.



俄勒冈州华纳谷北部的行人调查提供了有助于重建史前土地利用的数据。这些信息是对位于北华纳河谷研究区 (NWVSA) 的分层 LSP-1 岩石庇护所最近工作产生的数据的补充。在这里,我们展示了我们的调查结果,并重点关注该地区的访问时间、使用方式以及该地区的游客来自何处和/或从何处获得工具石。我们的结果表明,NWVSA 在中全新世期间被大量遗弃之前被古印第安人大量使用。在全新世晚期,可能在华纳谷水源较好的南部地区的住宅基地开展活动的团体返回了 NWVSA。与附近的其他地区相比,在全新世的大部分时间里,NWVSA 的利用程度较低。