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Crossed Wires in the Motor City: A Genealogy and Analysis of the 1967 Riots and the 1968 Strike Wave in Detroit
New Global Studies Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1515/ngs-2020-0009
Duncan Tarr 1

Abstract In the years 1967 and 1968 the city of Detroit was the site of two waves of rebellion. The riot of 1967 was one of the largest and most costly urban rebellions in U.S. history. And in the ashes of the ‘67 insurrection a wave of strikes began shutting down the sprawling factories of the auto industry. These strikes were organized by militant Black workers who later founded the League of Revolutionary Black Workers, an organization that characterized itself as the “ideological inheritor” of the riot. This article situates the League within the global moment of 1968, discusses the relationship of work stoppages to circulation struggles, and examines how the participants’ experience in riots, both on the streets of Detroit and in the prisons around the state, informed the praxis and politics of the League.


汽车城的交叉线:底特律 1967 年暴动和 1968 年罢工浪潮的谱系和分析

摘要 在 1967 年和 1968 年,底特律市发生了两波叛乱。1967 年的骚乱是美国历史上规模最大、代价最高的城市叛乱之一。在 67 年起义的灰烬中,一波罢工浪潮开始关闭汽车行业庞大的工厂。这些罢工是由激进的黑人工人组织的,他们后来成立了革命黑人工人联盟,该组织将自己称为骚乱的“意识形态继承者”。本文将联盟置于 1968 年的全球时刻,讨论停工与流通斗争的关系,并考察参与者在底特律街头和全州监狱中的骚乱经历如何为实践和联盟的政治。