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Codifying Invisible Borders: How Municipal Ordinances Inscribe Market Values on the Landscape in Downtown Los Angeles
New Global Studies ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-18 , DOI: 10.1515/ngs-2019-0032
Mindy Farabee

Abstract Zoning codes dramatically impact every community they touch. Ostensibly, these ordinances are meant to impose some collectively determined order on our built environments. In practice, they often draw lines in the sand that distribute power unevenly between residents. As home to the U.S.’ second largest homeless population, Los Angeles is but a stark example of the widespread housing crisis hitting many cities around the globe. In the 1970s, this is where the city drew borders around its Skid Row and consolidated social services in a bid to contain homelessness within the region’s urban core. As part of a an ambitious initiative launched in 2013, the city is now updating the zoning codes across its downtown area, a move that is prompting a vigorous debate over the role of municipal ordinances in codifying market-driven approaches to neighborhood revitalization. This interview engages with the Janus face of borders as inclusionary and exclusionary, asking: through what mechanisms – subtle and overt – do zoning codes dictate the shape of our private and communal spaces? And how can communities stake out their turf among competing value systems?



摘要 分区代码极大地影响了他们接触的每个社区。从表面上看,这些法令旨在对我们的建筑环境强加一些集体确定的秩序。在实践中,他们经常在沙地上划线,使居民之间的电力分配不均。作为美国第二大无家可归人口的家园,洛杉矶只是全球许多城市普遍存在住房危机的一个鲜明例子。在 1970 年代,这里是该市在贫民窟周围划定边界并整合社会服务的地方,目的是在该地区的城市核心内遏制无家可归者。作为 2013 年启动的一项雄心勃勃的计划的一部分,该市现在正在更新其市区的分区代码,这一举措引发了关于市政条例在编纂市场驱动的社区振兴方法方面的作用的激烈辩论。本次采访将边界的两面性视为包容性和排斥性,询问:分区规范通过哪些机制——微妙和公开——决定了我们私人和公共空间的形状?社区如何在相互竞争的价值体系中占据一席之地?