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Looming Deficits: Textile Production Specialization in Postclassic Mesoamerica
Latin American Antiquity ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-19 , DOI: 10.1017/laq.2019.74
Angela C. Huster

Using textile production in Postclassic Western Mesoamerica as a case study, this article explores how to differentiate low levels of craft production caused by household provisioning from low levels of craft production due to market reliance and regional specialization. I use a sample of 52 excavated site/phase components to establish baselines for the intensity of production and to evaluate whether participation in the market allowed craftspeople in some regions to underproduce textiles relative to local needs. Highland and lowland sites have comparable low frequencies of spindle whorls during the Early Postclassic, which I interpret as characteristic of household self-sufficiency. Whorl frequencies increase above this baseline earlier and to a higher degree in lowland sites than in highland sites. During the Late Postclassic, some regions may have formed pairs of over- and underproduction zones linked by the market. Because of changes in spinning technology, it is not possible to extrapolate the results of this study to earlier time periods. I then present data from Calixtlahuaca as an example of how macroregional data can be used to interpret craft production at a particular site. Textile production at Calixtlahuaca was generally low, but this was more likely a function of a strong dependence on maguey fiber, rather than underproduction caused by a reliance on the market.



本文以中美洲后古典时期的纺织品生产为例,探讨了如何区分家庭供应导致的低水平手工艺品生产与市场依赖和区域专业化导致的低水平手工艺品生产。我使用 52 个挖掘现场/阶段组件的样本来建立生产强度的基线,并评估参与市场是否允许某些地区的工匠生产相对于当地需求的纺织品不足。在后经典早期,高地和低地地区的纺锤体发生频率相当低,我将其解释为家庭自给自足的特征。与高地相比,低地地区的螺纹频率在此基线之上增加得更早且程度更高。在后古典主义晚期,一些地区可能已经形成了由市场联系起来的成对的生产过剩和生产不足区域。由于纺纱技术的变化,不可能将这项研究的结果外推到更早的时期。然后,我以来自 Calixtlahuaca 的数据为例,说明如何使用宏观区域数据来解释特定地点的手工艺品生产。Calixtlahuaca 的纺织品产量普遍较低,但这更可能是由于对马格纤维的强烈依赖,而不是由于对市场的依赖而导致生产不足。然后,我以来自 Calixtlahuaca 的数据为例,说明如何使用宏观区域数据来解释特定地点的手工艺品生产。Calixtlahuaca 的纺织品产量普遍较低,但这更可能是由于对马格纤维的强烈依赖,而不是由于对市场的依赖而导致生产不足。然后,我以来自 Calixtlahuaca 的数据为例,说明如何使用宏观区域数据来解释特定地点的手工艺品生产。Calixtlahuaca 的纺织品产量普遍较低,但这更可能是由于对马格纤维的强烈依赖,而不是由于对市场的依赖而导致生产不足。