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The Biographies of Bodily Ornaments from Indigenous Settlements of the Dominican Republic (AD 800–1600)
Latin American Antiquity ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-17 , DOI: 10.1017/laq.2019.101
Catarina Guzzo Falci , Dominique Ngan-Tillard , Corinne L. Hofman , Annelou Van Gijn

In this study, we generate novel insights regarding bodily ornaments from indigenous societies of late precolonial Greater Antilles. Previous research has highlighted the sociopolitical role of valuable, exotic, and figurative ornaments, yet there are many gaps in our current understanding of these artifacts. Here, we focus on ornaments from five recently excavated sites in the Dominican Republic (AD 800–1600). We used microwear analysis to investigate each ornament and assess its production sequence and use life. These data permitted the definition of morpho-technical groups, which we then compared to depositional contexts and the regional availability of raw materials. We demonstrate that (1) there was small-scale production of ornaments at the sites, (2) the most recurrent morpho-technical groups were likely imported from production centers, and (3) ornaments of the same group could lead different use lives and be deposited through varied processes. We conclude that bodily ornaments had highly diverse biographies involving local and regional interaction networks.


多米尼加共和国土著定居点的饰物传记(公元 800-1600 年)

在这项研究中,我们对前殖民时代晚期大安的列斯群岛土著社会的身体装饰品产生了新的见解。以前的研究强调了有价值的、异国情调的和具象的装饰品的社会政治作用,但我们目前对这些文物的理解存在许多差距。在这里,我们专注于来自多米尼加共和国(公元 800-1600 年)最近发掘的五个地点的装饰品。我们使用微磨损分析来调查每个装饰品并评估其生产顺序和使用寿命。这些数据允许定义形态技术组,然后我们将其与沉积环境和原材料的区域可用性进行比较。我们证明了(1)在这些地点有小规模的装饰品生产,(2)最常见的形态技术团体可能是从生产中心进口的,(3)同一组的饰品可以有不同的使用年限,可以通过不同的工艺存放。我们得出结论,身体装饰品具有高度多样化的传记,涉及当地和区域互动网络。