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Ideology and the Direction of Causation in the Acquisition and Maintenance of Shared Belief Systems
Kyklos ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-09 , DOI: 10.1111/kykl.12243
Michael C. Munger

Preferences and beliefs are more widely and systematically shared than might be predicted by a subjective, idiosyncratic view arising out of neoclassical economics. Two works were published twenty five years ago on just this question, contesting conceptions of belief acquisition: Denzau and North (1994) and Hinich and Munger (1994). Denzau and North argued that beliefs are simplified representations of reality that provide conventional means of interpreting the world around us; Hinich and Munger agreed. But Denzau and North argued that beliefs were essentially self‐perpetuating, and not subject to optimizing revision based on feedback, while Hinich and Munger followed the orthodox Downsian notion of a heuristic that economizes (in equilibrium) on the cost of becoming informed about politics. The big difference is that the Hume‐Denzau‐North conception follows the “Folk Theorem,” making no claim about the optimality of the belief systems that a society comes to share.



偏好和信念比新古典经济学产生的主观的、特殊的观点所预测的更广泛、更系统地共享。25 年前就这个问题发表了两部作品,对信念获得的概念提出质疑:Denzau 和 North(1994)以及 Hinich 和 Munger(1994)。Denzau 和 North 认为,信念是对现实的简化表示,提供了解释我们周围世界的传统方法;希尼奇和芒格同意了。但登扎和诺斯认为,信念本质上是自我延续的,不受基于反馈的优化修正的影响,而 Hinich 和 Munger 遵循正统的唐斯式启发式概念,即节约(在均衡状态下)了解政治的成本。