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Questioning the stereotype of the “malingering bureaucrat”: Absence from work in the public and private sector in Germany
Kyklos ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-14 , DOI: 10.1111/kykl.12212
Stephanie Prümer , Claus Schnabel

Public sector employees are often said to have excessive rates of absence from work. Using representative survey data for Germany, we indeed find absenteeism of employees to be higher in the public than the private sector. The differences in the incidence and days of absence showing up in descriptive statistics are substantially reduced and partly disappear in our estimates of hurdle regression models controlling for individuals' socio-demographic characteristics, health status, professional activities, and for many workplace-related factors. Nevertheless, the probability of staying home sick at least once a year is still 5.6 percentage points higher in the public sector, ceteris paribus. This finding refutes popular assertions that differences in absence rates between the sectors are mainly due to structural factors like different compositions of the workforce. We show that the same observable factors play a role for absenteeism in the public and private sector, but we cannot rule out that shirking may play a more important role in the public sector. Nevertheless, we conclude that the stereotype of the "malingering bureaucrat" seems to be an exaggeration, at least for Germany.



人们常说公共部门雇员的缺勤率过高。使用德国的代表性调查数据,我们确实发现公共部门的员工缺勤率高于私营部门。在我们对控制个人社会人口特征、健康状况、职业活动和许多工作场所相关因素的障碍回归模型的估计中,描述性统计中出现的发生率和缺勤天数的差异显着减少并部分消失。尽管如此,在其他条件不变的情况下,公共部门每年至少生病一次的可能性仍然高出 5.6 个百分点。这一发现驳斥了流行的说法,即各部门之间的缺勤率差异主要是由于劳动力结构不同等结构性因素造成的。我们表明,相同的可观察因素对公共部门和私营部门的缺勤有影响,但我们不能排除偷懒可能在公共部门发挥更重要的作用。尽管如此,我们得出的结论是,“装病的官僚”的刻板印象似乎有些夸张,至少对德国而言是这样。